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The boom in issuance leaves some companies throughout the region vulnerable to currency depreciation, whereas others gain from it.

快速增加拉丁美洲公司债务has raised eyebrows for some investors, who wonder if the collective burden is sustainable for the region’s companies. Yet many investors believe such risks shouldn’t deter them from seeking out multiple opportunities.

据拓荒作用,拉丁美洲企业去年发布了价值1780亿美元的债务,从2013年的1650亿美元起,标志着第六次直接年度增加。大多数 - 1.09亿美元 - 以美国美元计价,在当地货币470亿美元。狮子的发行份额来自巴西的公司(560亿美元)和墨西哥(600亿美元),其中失去了拉丁美洲最大的公司债务发行人的地幔Brazilin 2009, only to regain it in 2013.

Some analysts worry about the ability of companies to service so much dollar debt given the weakness of Latin currencies, which have been hurt by anticipation of U.S. monetary tightening and by the continued unwinding of the price boom in commodities. “One of the biggest vulnerabilities is depreciation,” says Siddharth Dahiya, London-based head of emerging-markets corporate debt at $504 billion Aberdeen Asset Management. “A number of companies have been able to borrow through external debt, but they don’t have any external income.”


Soummo Mukherjee, a Santiago-based debt analyst at Itaú BBA, the investment banking arm of Brazilian bank Itaú Unibanco, cites the plight of Automotores Gildemeister. The Chilean car importer buys vehicles in dollars and sells them in local currency; its business has been hit by a 9 percent decline in the Chilean peso, to 605 to the dollar in late April from about 550 in May 2014. In April the company asked investors to take losses of as much as 50 percent on its $700 million in dollar-denominated bonds as part of a debt restructuring; investors have rejected the proposal, leaving Gildemeister struggling to shoulder the existing burden. “Our view is that the company will find it very difficult to meet its ongoing debt service payments,” Mukherjee contends.

Gildemeister also suffers from a problem that has afflicted many other Latin American corporate debt issuers: a slowdown in the domestic economy, largely because of commodity price drops. The importer was wrong-footed by an 11 percent contraction in Chile’s auto sales last year, Mukherjee says.



紧张国际投资者的巴西企业债务的击打拼写机会,管理人员为590亿美元的蓝宝竞争。“有时候巴西有一般风险的情绪,你看到伦敦蓝宝的新兴 - 市场信用队的投资组合经理Anthony Kettle说,您可以看到对所有领域的传播。“当您看到应该从巴西货币的趋势中受益的公司时,就会提供机会。”从2014年9月的2.25年度,3月份的美元拒绝了近33.30美元,但在4月下旬恢复了一些贸易部约为2.93。


Aberdeen’s Dahiya also sees the bright side of currency depreciation. Take Brazil’s Vale, the world’s biggest iron ore producer: Much of the company’s production is in Brazil, where the fall in the real has reduced costs in dollar terms. Dahiya also sees an upside to the commodity price slide. Although he acknowledges that the price of iron ore has plummeted, Vale is a “very low-cost producer, so even in this environment these guys make money.” The yield on Vale’s seven-year triple-B bond has eased to 4.4 percent from a high of close to 6 percent in December, at the height of the Brazilian political crisis.

出口商在d定价商品和大宗商品ollars could be in an even stronger position if the U.S. Federal Reserve Board’s first rate hike in many years, which many analysts are forecasting for later in 2015, boosts the greenback further. But Latin American corporate debt specialists tend to play down the positive or negative fallout from a move that financial markets have expected for many months.

Dahiya says there could be awkward side effects of a U.S. rate hike, including a temporary loss of emerging-markets liquidity as dollar investors return home. “If markets shut down, some companies with imminent maturities could face pressure,” he explains. “However, the bigger ones should be fine because they will have good access to local banking markets.”


Dahiya Notes,尽管过去一年左右的经济疲软,但拉丁美洲国内生产总值远高于十年前高于10%的产量,仍然低于10%。结果,他补充道,债务不会构成系统风险。

In short, long-standing investors in Latin American debt see reasons to be wary but reasons to be greedy too.

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