


加州参议院周三投票赞成立法,要求国家和国家 - 两个最大的养老基金剥离他们在热煤电公司的投资。该法案的下一站将成为加州州大会的投票。如果加利福尼亚通过了煤炭撤资立法,它将成为第一个这样做的美国。

Introduced by Senate President pro Tempore凯文德莱恩earlier this year, the proposed legislation calls on the $296 billion California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) and the $186 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) to exit from all investments in thermal coal companies by July 1, 2017. The bill passed the Senate 24–14, in a vote split down party lines in favor of the Democrats. In the assembly, which currently holds 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans, the bill will need 41 votes to pass.



CalPERS executives have made clear that they prefer engagement with energy companies over outright divestment, though its investment committee voted in April to take no official position on the proposed legislation. Last summer, in response to a call from three East Bay mayors for CalPERS to divest from fossil fuel companies,Calpers公司治理负责人Anne Simpson在一个op-ed中争论萨克拉门托蜜蜂“解决方案在于在一个重点发现解决方案的过程中吸引能源公司而不是走开。”

CalSTRS spokesman Ricardo Duran says that in April, his system’s board directed staff to begin researching the possibility of dumping its coal stocks, in anticipation of this divestment legislation moving forward. He says the staff has been assessing the effect that divestment would have on the portfolio, and arranging meetings with industry experts about risks facing the industry.


但资产管理公司运行环保策略铺平道路say divestment doesn’t have to mean a blow to returns — though it does require that managers undertake careful risk rebalancing. Matthew Patsky, CEO and portfolio manager at Trillium Asset Management, a $2.2 billion Boston-based sustainable-investment firm, says Trillium’s fossil-free strategy has returned an annualized 8.5 percent over the past eight years, beating the 7.3 percent gain for its S&P Composite 1500 benchmark during the same period.

Scores of religious institutions and foundations and nearly 20 U.S. university endowments have agreed to ban fossil fuel investments, among them斯坦福大学。超过两次美国城市已经承诺剥离,包括剑桥,马萨诸塞州;波特兰,俄勒冈州;旧金山;和西雅图。

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