

The hedge fund seeks to capitalize on buybacks and dividend hikes by shorting bonds and taking equity positions in companies that are leveraging up.

金融工程是许多公开持有公司追求股票的一天的顺序buybacksand dividend increases to reward shareholders.

这种工程,通常是资助的债券,可以提高公司的股价,但它也可能通过向公司资产负债表增加更多债务来抑制其债券价格。Cohanzick Management欢乐谷的,纽约,17亿美元的经理of specialty credit strategies, established a hedge fund last year designed to take advantage of that trend. The $21 million Cohanzick Nexus Fund, managed by firm founder David Sherman and principal Bruce Falbaum, shorts bonds of mostly investment-grade companies. About 50 to 60 percent of the bond shorts are accompanied by either a long公平持有同一家公司或股票的通话选项。该公司通常在给定时间具有20至60个位置。


Through April buybacks were on pace to total $1.2 trillion for 2015 as a whole, according to Westport, Connecticut, stock research firm Birinyi Associates. That would easily break the 2007 record of $863 billion. “They are borrowing money to buy back stock and pay dividends,” Sherman says. “For many companies, if they don’t take advantage of financial engineering, activist hedge funds have so much money that they will show up on their doorstep and make this happen.” Sherman considers the equity/option positions a directional hedge: The bulk of the fund’s return comes from the short bond positions, and the equity hedges are meant to add a bit more return.





The Nexus Fund has shorted bonds and established or is considering an equity hedge for companies such as H&R Block, the Kansas City, Missouri–based tax preparation company, and fast food giantMcDonald’s Corp

H&R Block有一项协议,待监管批准,将其银行部门销售给Bofi Federal Bank。H&R块正在追求销售,因为只要拥有银行,它就无法实施股票回购和股息而无需批准美联储董事会。“该公司表示,一旦销售银行,它将增加杠杆以购买股票并支付股息,”Falbaum说。“假设它成功地销售银行,它会令人生意的[投资者]出售债券并购买股票。”他说,销售银行最终可能会导致公司的信贷降级。


不令人惊讶的是,谢尔曼和法尔巴姆对基金的前景持乐观态度,依靠上升率将在未来宿舍促进基金表现的想法。投资社区中的其他人认为Sherman和Falbaum可能会对某事。克里斯利奇菲尔德是一家康涅狄格州格林威治的私人投资者的退休对冲基金经理,注意到他们的战略与20世纪70年代和20世纪80年代常用的对冲基金的技术相反,当利率高得多时:然后回来funds were buying companies’ convertible bonds and selling their stocks.

马丁弗里德森,基于纽约的资金管理公司的CIOLehmann Livian Fridson Advisorsand a friend of Sherman’s, says it’s not always easy to find the right company. “The key thing is betting on companies doing further financial engineering not already anticipated by the market,” Fridson says. “How many good situations can they find?”

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