
Financial Firms Can’t Ignore the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

作为最近对BNY Mellon表演的行动,银行和资产管理人员必须密切关注他们的业务,以确保FCPA合规性。

8月18日,纽约银行梅隆公司与违反“外国腐败实践法”(FCPA)的证券交易委员会定居。根据SEC的行政通知,BNY Mellon的资产管理部门的一名员工聘请了一名官员家庭的实习生,以确保当前和额外的业务。该银行未在结算中承认或否认内疚,将支付1480万美元的罚款。

Although the violation and settlement were fairly minor, the BNY Mellon case is notable because it was the first brought against a bank under the FCPA; also, the violation focused on hiring practices. The SEC action offers a glimpse into a new area of enforcement that financial firms can’t ignore.

SEC的行政申请中的员工电子邮件在BNY Mellon收费方面是明确的。根据这一点文档那“a boutique account manager wrote in a February 2010 e-mail concerning the internship request for Interns A and B that BNY Mellon was ‘not in a position to reject the request from a commercial point of view’ even though it was a ‘personal request’ from Official X. The employee stated: ‘by not allowing the internships to take place, we potentially jeopardize our mandate with [the Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund].’”


虽然雇用任何家庭的实习生合法,但这样做是为了保持或扩大客户关系是一个FCPAviolation. The order shows that once the hires were made, BNY Mellon kept the sovereign fund’s business and won more.


提交给监管机构的文件显示,《反海外腐败法》的调查re under way at every major bank, including Citigroup, Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs Group, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley and UBS. The FCPA has also come up as part of SEC examinations of private equity firms and large hedge fund managers.

“Financial services providers face unique corruption risks when seeking to win business in international markets, and we will continue to scrutinize industries that have not been vigilant about complying with the FCPA,” said Kara Brockmeyer, chief of the SEC Division of Enforcement’s FCPA unit, in a statement after the settlement with BNY Mellon was announced.

与内幕交易调查一样,司法部,司法部和联邦调查局都涉及在FCPA下的监测活动。具有设备齐全的合规部门的大银行在处理几个美国政府机构的监督方面具有优势。但对于私募股权和hedge fund firms那which tend to be smaller, understanding the FCPA’s compliance requirements calls for extra work, as well as disclosure to investors.

BNY Mellon案例强调了需要严格招聘控制和基于广泛的合规方法。据Mitchell Ettinger是一家位于曼德尔·埃特泰德,ARPS,Slate,Meagher&Flom的米切尔·Ettinger的说法,金融公司必须批准整个操作。

收紧招聘实践并引入更严格的知识 - 您的客户政策是一个良好的起点,但只有那个在FCPA案件中拥有专业知识的Ettinger,并帮助了金融服务公司的合规性。对于金融参与者,以及专门的替代投资管理人员,招聘和资产饲养不会占据整个画面。


Looking beyond internal controls, Ettinger says, investment managers will need to know the business model of foreign portfolio companies, securities exposures and other assets so they can address the compliance risks that could trigger an FCPA violation.




The firm will need to determine if the investigation stems from a single bad actor or broader exposure to a corrupt foreign company or official. FCPA provisions allow investigators to examine past problems too, so financial managers must be ready to show when a potentially troublesome relationship began and ended.

Investigators can look at books and records, internal controls, business processes or instances of possible bribery under the FCPA. They can bring separate allegations in each of these areas, so determining the scope of an investigation is critical for firms and investors.


Ettinger and McGladrey’s Rollins both advise caution and stress the importance of a compliance-focused culture. “In these investigations the commission is always looking for tone at the top, so if they come in on FCPA and FCPA isn’t on the radar for folks at the top of an organization, investigators are going to take note of that,” Rollins says.

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