


深夜谈话节目长期以来一直是名人,体育明星和积极分子的论坛,即插即用少数头条新闻。For the small price of enduring a host’s playful jabs and sometimes awkward questions, the guests get face time with just the audience they want to reach — one that in the early days of Johnny Carson would talk about them around the water cooler the next day and today might tweet about them immediately. Now that Stephen Colbert has taken over from David Letterman as host of the晚展on CBS, that coveted guest seat may be more appealing to a group that has largely avoided it, whether by choice or by lack of invitation: CEOs.

Last night, during the second episode of Colbert’s new show, he hostedElon Musk,太空旅行和勘探公司的创始人和电动汽车制造商特斯拉汽车和太阳能供电商孤独的董事长。COLBERT作为“真正的Tony Stark”推出了麝香,参考Marvel的钢铁人物,他也是亿万富翁科学家和发明家,而这两位讨论了麝香是一个“超级英雄”或“Supervillain”。麝香似乎有点不舒服,但他借此机会强调他对人类的信心,有一天很快就能在火星上生活。

“[火星是]一个星球的固定器,”麝香说,对观众笑声说,在描述我们如何使用热核武器或温室气体来温暖行星并使其适合人类居民。该topic was a little wonky for late-night TV, and Musk didn’t play along with all of Colbert’s jokes, but the host discussed his own personal experience with his Tesla and seemed to ask the right questions to get Musk talking about his newest products and endeavors. Tonight,优步首席执行官Travis Kalanick— a name many users of the ride-sharing service likely don’t even know — will have the same opportunity.

“我不会感到惊讶,如果[Amazon.comCEO]杰夫·贝佐斯[邀请]那里,“在福特汉姆大学教授媒体和沟通的Paul Levinson说,并为新媒体写了几本书。


“我们生活在一个新的社交媒体时代,电视作为媒介不太重要,我认为COLBert将尝试做什么是让人们在展会上指出我们所生活的这种新的世界 -莱文顿说,疏忽的人。“问题是,他将如何以一种有趣的方式整合到那种很有趣的方式。显然,伊隆麝香不是喜剧演员。“

Musk did make one joke during his short interview with Colbert Wednesday night: an off-color comment about a new automatic recharging arm for the Tesla. But for the most part, the conversation was more educational than funny.

该tendency toward headier subjects is Colbert’s biggest strength and is what will keep him competitive against late-night rivals Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and James Corden, according to Robert Thompson, a professor of TV and popular culture at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School. It reflects both Colbert’s personal style — which viewers of the first couple of episodes have noticed has a lot in common with the fictional anchorman he played for ten seasons onColbert Report— and the interests and status of the demographics he hopes to reach. People found Colbert funny because they were either already plugged in to the news and trends of the day or because they wanted to be.

Colbert Report观众在很大程度上在千禧一代的括号中,通常在不关心我以外的任何东西的社论中批评,但那个集团可以称为最近的技术革命的下一阶段 - 如果他们并没有创造自己。无论批评者所说,这是那些像麝香和卡拉尼克这样的商业领袖想要达到的人。Doing so through TV before Tuesday was somewhat difficult: Most talk shows are focused on celebrities and would pass on someone like Kalanick, unless he had another major public scandal or put out a YouTube video that went viral — and the shows’ tenor has been unappealing to many in the business world.

麝香对Jon Stewart进行了扩展的面试Daily Show在2012年,在Levinson建议,在深夜的沙发上,看看像贝奥斯这样的人会闻所未闻。由于COLBert的性格,兴趣和观众的交汇,科技商业领导者的承认需要与他们寻求的投资者和客户更直接的沟通,动态可能会发生变化。

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