

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage throughout the U.S., financial planning for same-sex couples will be easier.


This past June, when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its 5–4 ruling that same-sex couples have the constitutional right to marry, there was jubilation. Rainbow flags unfurled, and gay people once barred from legal matrimony raced to the courthouse for marriage licenses.

现在,五彩纸屑已经解决了,注册投资顾问及其LGBT客户也有点清晰。最高法院决定消除了已婚合作伙伴的法律地位的含糊不清,这是未经认可此类婚姻的13个州。“裁决后,财务规划已经变得更加容易同性夫妇,”高级金融计划员布鲁斯霍夫·弗劳斯特(Bruce Hoffmeister)表示,在华盛顿的760亿美元的威尔明顿信托公司。

But that doesn’t give gay households an excuse to be complacent about wealth management. “A lot of couples think they don’t need to do planning anymore — and that’s dangerous,” warns Michael Pellman Rowland, portfolio management director with the Vector Group at Morgan Stanley in New York. If anything, as the first tax year since the SCOTUS ruling comes to a close, it’s time for RIAs to reach out to clients for a checkup.

财富经理有充分的理由致法同性恋社区。LGBT家庭在美国,似乎比平均水平更富裕,尽管缺乏困难的数据,所以受到关于可能歧视的担忧导致的推定宣传。一种2013 study by investment giant Prudential Financial涉及2011年美国人口普查发现,LGBT家庭收入的中位数为61,500美元,而总体上涨50,000美元。在2012年审慎领导的1,041 LGBT人民25至68人的投票中,同性恋男性夫妇的19%的受访者报告了103,100美元的中位数。

这一事实,美国不到一半的同性恋夫妇在家庭收入图片的进一步覆盖了云层。一种study published in 2014by Spectrem, a suburban Chicago–based wealth management consulting firm, showed that among LGBT investors with at least $100,000 in investable assets, only 30 percent were married; 25 percent were living with a partner, 13 percent were in a legal domestic partnership, and 30 percent were single.



一种fter entering wealth management in June 2002, Vector’s Rowland called on some of his old neighbors and friends from his youth in Manhattan’s West Village, known for its gay community and as the home of the Stonewall riots, the 1969 event that catalyzed the gay rights movement in the U.S. Eventually, his gay clients began sending their friends his way. Now the LGBT community accounts for about half of his clientele.


RIA可以向LGBT夫妇提供与他们特别相关的问题的有针对性的建议,例如代理人和第二父母采用,由此人们合法采用他们的伴侣的孩子。在法庭中出现了遗产战,在35个国家不承认第二家父母通过。虽然在整个美国,同性恋婚姻是正式合成的,但“如肯塔基州的[县职员] Kim Davis所示,罗兰说,在颁布并使他们颁布的法律之间有不同的差异。”


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