


During his first state visit to the U.K.,President Xi Jinping与女王伊丽莎白二世的香槟吐司交换,向英国议会发表了讲话,并封锁了一些贸易交易,包括中国英国核电站的主要投资。但是,中国领导人最重要的业务是财务,包括旨在促进人民币崛起作为国际货币的势力的一系列交易 - 并使伦敦成为交易的主要中心。

“London is already the world’s largest foreign exchange market, and you can’t be the leading forex market and ignore a country that is already quite significant and growing very rapidly,” says Mark Boleat, policy and resources chairman at the City of London Corp., which is the governing body for the City’s square-mile financial district.

On October 20, the first full day of Xi’s four-day visit, the People’s Bank of China issued its first renminbi-denominated bonds outside of China and Hong Kong, a 5 billion yuan ($787 million) offering arranged by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and HSBC Holdings. Although other entities have issued offshore人民币债券,被称为点燃债券,这是中国在亚洲以外的第一个主权债务。一年的票据率下降了3.1%的利率,低于初步表现为3.3%,但高于大陆的可比债务的2.75%。

此外,中国和英国同意扩大currency swap line from 200 billion to 350 billion yuan, which will be used as a liquidity backstop to support the renminbi market in London and the growing use of the currency to finance trade deals.



“When you’re settling everything in Hong Kong in the London time period, you’re losing money by having to put money up front, especially for American traders,” says Will Patrick, head of CME’s FX products in London. CME also offers a renminbi contract in the U.S. that is settled in Hong Kong.


Darryl Hooker, co-head of EBS BrokerTec Markets, an online platform for trading foreign exchange and bonds, says one of London’s great appeals for traders globally is its time zone, which overlaps with those of Asia and the Americas. “Far and away the biggest trading in the renminbi is in the London crossover,” Hooker says, referring to the three-hour period from 7 to 10 a.m. London time and 3 to 6 p.m. Hong Kong time, when both markets are open. “We’re responsible for about 60 percent of the spot market in CNH,” he adds, using the designation for the offshore renminbi. The onshore renminbi, which cannot legally be traded outside of China, is labeled CNY.




The International Monetary Fund is expected to decide as early as November whether to include the renminbi in its Special Drawing Rights currency basket. Beijing has been opening up its financial markets and taking other measures, including a surprise shift in August in its method of calculating the renminbi’s daily fixing, to achieve SDR status and promote the unit as a world reserve currency.

汇丰汇丰银行股份有限公司亚太FX研究负责人的亚洲 - 太平洋FX研究负责人「香港汇率」指的所有右侧盒子勾选所有右侧盒子,本周写道。他在中央银行储备持有情况下,他补充说,但“对人民币的信心,自愿储备多元化流入中国的信心可能会升值,以追溯征收。”