

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen holds enough sway among her FOMC colleagues to stay the hand of dissenters.

More than at any time in the past few years, dissension has broken out among Federal Reserve policymakers. Given the current stage of theeconomic cycle,不和谐并不令人惊讶。

The disagreement is unlikely to affect the Fed’s monetary policy, as chair Janet Yellen enjoys enough support from Federal Open Market Committee members — particularly from the inner core of the Board of Governors — to have her way, analysts say. And the chair seems eager to get off the zero bound, judging by her congressional testimony on Wednesday. A December rate hike is a “live possibility,” she told the House Committee on Financial Services, if economic data remain strong. Stocks and bonds fell in reaction as the market priced in a better-than-even chance of a December hike, while the dollar rose.

“It does feel like disagreement is more intense now than it typically is, and for good reason,” says David Stockton, an ex–Fed economist who is now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s difficult to determine when to pursue the first tightening. How much confidence can you have that inflation will return to target?”

The Fed’s federal funds rate target has stood at a record low of zero to 0.25 percent since December 2008. The Fed announced an inflation target of 2 percent in 2012. But its favored inflation gauge, the personal consumption expenditures index, has stayed below that level for most of the time since then; it climbed just 0.2 percent in the 12 months through September.


On the dovish side, board members Lael Brainard and Daniel Tarullo said last month that inflation wasn’t yet strong enough to justify rate hikes, seeming to contradicting Yellen’s September statement that a majority on the FOMC expected to begin raising rates this year. Yet Brainard appeared to modify her stance in an appearance at a conference at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt on Wednesday, calling the domestic outlook for the U.S. economy “encouraging” but voicing concerns about the negative impact of the dollar’s strength.

Earlier, a split opened in August between美联储副主席Stanley Fischer总裁和公开市场委员会副主席威廉·达德利the New York Fed. First, Dudley said that volatility in financial markets and trouble in the global economy made “the decision to begin the normalization process at the September [FOMC] meeting seem less compelling to me than it did several weeks ago.” Later the same week, however, Fischer said there was “good reason to believe that inflation will move higher as the forces holding down inflation dissipate further.”

在所有的分歧中,菲舍尔和达德利之间的一个可能是最有害的。据前美联储官员介绍,这是这两个和耶伦的三驾马士,真正建立了美联储政策。“这是真正显着的,即两名副主席在公共场所在公共场所在一股FOMC会议上几周不同意,”前美联储经济学家Andrew Levin说,该公司现在是新罕布什尔州汉诺威达特茅斯学院教授。“随着耶伦椅在她的新闻发布会上指出,这是一个不幸的事态。”

但是,菲舍尔和达德利似乎没有太远。“They aren’t exactly on the same page, but they are close enough that they can be lumped [with Yellen] into a move to raise rates in December, unless the economic data between now and then prove to be weak,” says Stephen Oliner, a former Fed economist who is now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.





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