这个解释将是我们的文章中最令人讨厌的部分 - 抱歉,开展实时投资组合定时策略,不像在图表1检查全期平均,我们需要一些方法来映射周期性调整市盈率(CAPE),以组合重量每一个月。最简单的方法,将产生类似的结果;我们不采摘樱桃这里,但我们必须选择一个。我们选择回头超过60年。(We start looking back only about 20 years in 1900, as we don’t want to wait that long to begin our tests, but when we get 60 years of data, we keep looking back a rolling 60 years.) We sort all prior CAPEs each month and define the median, the 95th-percentile richest and the 5th-percentile cheapest CAPE values seen. The weight for this January is based on the CAPE at the end of the prior December, according to the following simple formulas. We follow these rules:
•直接,但1 / CAPE,所以当股票便宜(CAPE低),我们的措施是积极的,我们不与CAPE工作(1 / CAPE高)。我们会打电话给1 / CAPE市盈率对价(而不是CAPE价格的市盈率),或E / P。
•修整后的E / P等于上个月的E / P在95刷爆了百分如果是高于,并在第5百分地板如果低(所以修剪极端)。修剪完成,以免反应过度极端高点和低点,如果整个样品使用可能会导致奇怪的结果(包括压缩结果所有合理的斗篷,与极端相比是小的差异)。
•重量股票等于100%的+ [修剪E / P-平均E / P] / [第95百分位数E / P - 第5百分E / P]。
一个例子可以帮助。说你是在一月和十二月之前的CAPE是20.这使得E / P 1/20,或5%。平均CAPE在过去的60年是15,所以平均E / P是1/15,或6.7%。说第95百分位高CAPE是25(或4%的E / P),和第五百分位低CAPE为10(或10%的E / P)。因为当前的CAPE和E / P是在第5和95百分位数之内,我们可以忽略这些截止值,和式给我们的库存重量= 100%的+ [5% - 6.7%] / [10% - 4%] =72%的股票。If today’s E/P equaled the 5th-percentile low of 4 percent (a high CAPE of 25 gets you an E/P of 4 percent), we’d be almost all the way down to 50 percent in stocks (actually about 55 percent), and if it was as high as 10 percent (a very low CAPE of 10), we would be 150 percent in stocks.
- C.A.,A.I和T.M.