


不同的人看不同的东西来s to the hot-button issue of immigration. To Donald Trump, the surprise front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, many immigrants are “criminals, drug dealers, rapists,” as he told Fox News last summer, or at best “cheap labor” costing the U.S. “hundreds of billions of dollars,” as his website claims. Trump became more strident after a terrorist couple killed 14 people in a California shooting, calling for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S. To Marine Le Pen, the right-wing nationalist who’s a leading candidate to become France’s next president in 2017, terrorists may be lurking within the floods of Syrian refugees pressing for safe haven in Europe. “Our fears and warnings of the possible presence of jihadists entering our country” came true, Le Pen said after a forged Syrian passport with a Greek immigration stamp was found near the body of one of the terrorists who killed 130 people in Paris in November.


Diana Furchtgott-Roth曾担任美国劳工处的主要经济学家乔治乔治·W·布什,争夺移民帮助经济嗡嗡作用,用数百万个就业机会无法触及。“移民有不同的技能和工作偏好,因此他们使美国工人更有效,”纽约曼哈顿政策研究所的学者弗契特哥特 - 罗斯说。“没有许多美国孩子想要长大成为优秀的人或挑选水果。”

争论移民是否有利或bane have simmered across the developed world for decades, often in sync with economic cycles. But the Syrian exodus and the巴黎恐怖袭击事件have ratcheted passions to the point that candidates like Trump and Le Pen are realistically contending for power and threatening the world’s drift toward closer economic and social integration, a trend long considered inevitable. Between the U.S. election in November 2016 and the French contest five months later, U.K. voters may elect to leave the European Union, primarily to protest unbridled immigration, in a referendum promised by Prime Minister David Cameron. Opinion polls conducted in the wake of the Paris assaults showed a majority favoring so-called Brexit for the first time.

原始数字表明移民是一场政治事故,等待发生。富裕国家的经济合作与发展组织的富国人口从2000年到2013年膨胀了43%,达到11700万。据经合组织(经合组织)的数据,虽然绝大多数人来到工作 - 难民占全球仅仅7%的移民流量,但至少在其所采用的国家,至少在欧洲,他们在其所采用的国家的大量吸引社会福利福利。非洲经合组织成员的外国出生人口中的失业率占地面为近16%,而原生公民的10.8%。

自叙利亚,欧洲最大的难民危机自第二次世界大战之后的人类潮,肯定会增加更多家属 - 并在短期内提高政治温度。美国设法在一年长期的计划下吸收大约70,000份难民,而共和党人诋毁了奥巴马总统,在9月宣布计划之后,在明年召开了10,000名叙利亚难民。相比之下,德国预计将在2015年接受80万叙利亚难民,但总理安吉拉·默克尔的热情态度正在吸引越来越大的批评。In a bid to stem the tide and deflect the political heat, the European Union agreed at the end of November to provide €3 billion ($3.2 billion) in aid to Turkey and to revive membership talks with Ankara in return for the country’s commitment to stanch the flow of refugees into the EU.

It is no wonder that democratic politics have reacted to these pressures, yet the economic and security fears aroused by immigration risk distorting the picture. Immigrants are a key driver of whatever economic expansion the Western world is eking out these days. Cheap labor or not, newcomers account for a striking 70 percent of employment growth in the EU over the past ten years and 46 percent in the U.S., according to OECD data. As of 2015 they will be responsible for 100 percent of population growth in low-fertility Europe.

哈佛大学约翰·肯尼迪政府教授的教授,迅速老化的欧盟需要从联盟外部的新的当前的移民水平,以维持其目前的工人到2050年的工作人员到2050年。替代方案是朝向日本的2.2人物,人类历史中最低。“现在是欧洲学会让他们的人民来的时候 - 不仅仅是因为它是正确的事情,而是因为他们需要他们,”Pritchett在最近的博客文章中写道。

在政治真空中不存在对移民的焦虑。这位政客通常分享当今全球化经济中心的其他职位。Trump has lambasted the Chinese as “people who are destroying your children’s and grandchildren’s future” and advocated a 20 percent tariff on all imports to the U.S. Le Pen wants France to abandon the euro, and in the wake of the Paris attacks she has called for abrogating the Schengen zone of travel without border controls in the heart of Europe. “People may moderate their views once they achieve power, but these policies of Le Pen would be a catastrophe,” saysEric Chaney., chief economist at Paris-based AXA.

Even if ?Trump and Le Pen fail, the resentment propelling them and other nationalist politicians — like Geert Wilders, leader of the Netherlands’ Party for Freedom, who has compared the Koran to我的奋斗and says the Dutch “want their country back,” and Jimmie Åkesson, whose Sweden Democrats say their country needs to stop immigration to save the welfare state — is unlikely to fade. It threatens to undermine internationalist trends that have been ascendant since the collapse of Soviet Communism and China’s shift toward free markets, says Jeffrey Garten, dean emeritus of the Yale School of Management and a former U.S. undersecretary of Commerce. “Globalization has become so complex that it’s creating a kind of indigestion when countries want to get their bearings,” he says. “The enormous backlash against immigration and refugees is an illustration of that.”


这个底层善意的一个因素是Vivek Wadhwa等人的比例。经合组织国家的30%的移民高度熟练。在经济复苏期间,外国出生的美国居民的工作增长强调了趋势:建设是一个经典的移民雇主,是最具充满活力的行业,从2011年到2014年增加了372,000个工作岗位,但落后于320,000人,落后于专业技术服务。

Canada and Australia have transformed their smaller societies with little dissent by using a merit system to attract the well-off and skilled. Canada’s foreign-born population has swelled to nearly 20 percent of all residents and Australia’s to more than 25 percent, compared with 13 percent in the U.S. and U.K. A stunning 90 percent of Australians believe immigration improves their society, according to a 2015 poll by the Australian National University. Comfort with migration fosters generosity toward refugees. A week after the Paris attacks, newly elected贾斯汀特鲁多的总理签署了一个计划在加拿大加入25,000名叙利亚难民的计划,即使是数十名美国州长签署了非法行政单位,向他们禁止他们的国家。

在较大的富裕国家,移民的种族面貌正在远离挑起最敌人的群体,尽管你可能不知道它听到特朗普或le Pen。在过去的十年中,欧洲欢迎穆斯林较少,更多的欧盟弟兄们来自新的欧盟波兰和罗马尼亚。在美国,亚洲新移民现在从拉丁美洲数量超过了那些。




结果一直在令人惊讶。传统上,传统上几乎完全独家欧洲人,以自2000年以来保持稳定的经济增长率为2%至3%的人;失业率相对较低(澳大利亚目前6%,加拿大7%);和最小的社会紧张。“移民局作为一个政治争端问题,”皇后大学的公共政策教授Keith Banting说,在安大略省王后大学的教授Keith Banting说。



经济学家Furchtgott-Roth引用的研究表明,45,000名科学和技术毕业生将留在美国,如果他们有一个选择,那么高新技术人员的临时H-1B签证就会担任75,000名持有人。Wadhwa offers one example from this legion of lost talent: his countryman Kunal Bahl, who earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from the University of Pennsylvania in 2007, then went to work for Microsoft Corp. in emerging-markets business development but was eventually deported. Back in India, Bahl, now 31, started Snapdeal, which has grown in five years to become one of India’s leading online shopping sites.

自2014年美国国会全面移民改革失败以来,硅谷一直致力于扩大H-1B计划,该计划每年为6.5万名外国人提供签证。2015年,H-1B窗口开启后,雇主仅用5天时间就提交了23.3万份签证申请;签证是抽签发放的。犹他州共和党参议员奥林·哈奇(Orrin Hatch)今年1月提出的一项法案将把H-1B的上限提高到高需求年份的30万人之多,并取消对美国大学科学、技术、工程和数学专业外国毕业生的所有工作限制。

The H-1B program has come in for criticism following press reports of iconic U.S. employers like Walt Disney Co. and Toys “R” Us replacing hundreds of IT workers with cheaper visa holders, and of Indian outsourcing companies like Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services crowding out U.S. entrepreneurs by flooding the system with applications.

哈奇法案遭遇了两党的抵制,由来自阿拉巴马州的保守派共和党参议员杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)领导,得到了工会支持的智库经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)和一些公司的智力支持。”“对H-1B的一些批评是合理的,”瓦德瓦说这个项目应该留给科技初创企业。无论如何,绿卡才是真正的问题。”

共和党参议员查克·格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley)和民主党参议员迪克·德宾(Dick Durbin)去年11月提出了一项朝着瓦德瓦方向发展的法案,将H-1B候选人限制在雇员人数少于50人的公司,并要求他们获得有竞争力的薪水。但改革方案在国会面临重重障碍,许多民主党人拒绝将H-1B问题与全面移民改革脱钩,许多共和党人根本反对任何自由化。”最有可能的结果是僵局,”EPI移民法和政策研究主管DanielCosta说。


The U.S. has plenty of unskilled immigrants, of course. Nearly 40 percent lack a high school diploma, compared with 9 percent of the native born, according to Furchtgott-Roth. That’s not such a bad thing, says Jennifer Hunt, who filled Furchtgott-Roth’s post at the DoL under President Obama and now teaches at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The influx of laborers with limited English means more, not less, opportunity for native-born workers. “Immigration is good because it allows everybody to specialize more in what they’re best at,” Hunt says. “When immigrants come in to do unskilled jobs, they create more jobs for natives that emphasize language and communication.”

经济学家们争论的是,大量的移民劳动力是否会导致工资停滞,而工资停滞已成为当今美国经济的一个令人沮丧的特征。领导学术界移民怀疑派的肯尼迪学院教授乔治·博哈斯(George Borjas)的研究表明,对没有高中学历的工人有明显的影响,由于移民竞争,他们的工资下降了3.1%,但对其他群体影响不大。亨特对此不屑一顾。”有证据表明,土生土长的高中辍学者受到了一点伤害,但我们的反应应该是改善教育,”她说。

The U.S. has made a quiet success of its refugee program, albeit on nothing like the scale Europe is now contemplating. America resettled 66,000 asylum seekers in 2013, about two thirds of the global total, according to the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute (MPI). More than 3 million have arrived since 1980, when current policies took effect, provoking far less public angst than surrounds labor-driven migration. This is true even though the refugee population is more alien — in a typical year comprising 64 nationalities speaking an impressive 162 primary languages — and more deprived than the general immigrant pool.


These positive results spring from a system that clears asylum seekers thousands of miles from U.S. shores and holds to a tight annual quota, says Randy Capps, the institute’s director of U.S. research. The largest spontaneous exodus to America was the so-called Mariel boatlift from Cuba in 1980, which brought some 125,000 and spurred the legislative regime that is still in force. “The message for Europe is that refugees come with skills — some, not all of them,” Capps says. “But at some point Europe will have to put on some limits and start scoring people.”

Whereas Canada and Australia accept foreigners based on skills and the U.S. on family, immigration to Europe has been driven by periodic windows for defined groups of people, from ex-colonials and guest workers in the postwar decades to intra-EU migrants since 2000. Once established in employment, newcomers generally enjoy the full social benefits of their host countries, with the partial exception of pensions.

结果一直是一个相对低熟练的移民流,当经济蓬勃发展时,大量流动,但在时代变得艰难的时候可能会成为负担。2000年代,西班牙人口在2000年 - 10年代膨胀了15%,因为建筑工人从东欧,拉丁美洲和北非植入。尽管2008年房地产泡沫爆发,但许多新人仍然存在,加剧了西班牙失业率,仍然高于20%以上。


欧洲核心国家,法国最密切地反映了这种酸性情绪。Le Pen的受欢迎程度毫不奇怪,因为移民的失业率为16%,这是本土出生的失业率的两倍。像Axa的Chaney这样的经济学家责怪关于法国的最低工资的失业 - 每小时9.61欧元(10.19美元),而德国的€8.50和美国的7.25美元 - 以及对射击员工的限制。“如果我们的移民较少,结果将是更高的价格而不是降低失业率,”他说。但法国的人口仍然不相信:52%的人认为移民是“我国的负担”,与PEW民意调查说,45%相信他们使国家更强大。


The U.K.’s experience of immigration, as of many things, lies somewhere between North America’s and continental Europe’s. Blessed with the dominant global language and a leading financial capital, the U.K. attracts well-educated immigrants — 46 percent hold a university degree, close to Canada’s 52 percent, according to OECD figures. The adoption of a Canadian-style points system in 2008 may have influenced this result. The U.K. attracts 420,000 foreign students — three times as many as the U.S. in per capita terms — and unemployment rates for immigrant and foreign-born men are about equal. In the U.K. public anxiety about newcomers seems less widespread than on the Continent and motivated more by sociological than economic worries. “People recognize that the Poles and others bring a very good work ethic, and joke about calling a Polish plumber if you really need something done,” says Phil Woolas, former minister for borders and immigration in Gordon Brown’s late-2000s Labour government and now a partner at London-based Wellington Street Partners. “But you will also hear people, particularly in poorer areas, complain about how they don’t recognize their country anymore.”


Committing to the plebiscite may have helped Cameron in the 2015 general election, when his Tories won a surprise outright majority and UKIP was contained to a single seat at Westminster. But his implicit strategy of using Brexit as a lever to contain intra-EU immigration looks risky. Woolas and Continental analysts say there is little chance of EU partners granting the U.K. an opt-out on labor mobility. “This is not compatible with EU law, and changing the treaties is out of the question,” says the ECFR’s Janning. That leaves Cameron looking to obtain some symbolic victory, such as limiting newcomers’ access to social benefits.

The prime minister does have the relative advantage of time. He can stretch out his chess game with fellow EU leaders for two years before the Brexit deadline, though most analysts expect the referendum by late 2016. Germany’s Merkel faces the much more urgent challenge of finding an EU consensus on refugees, or limiting the flow, before the German public loses patience. “This is not a crisis of numbers; it’s a crisis of politics,” says Alexander Betts, director of the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Center. “The 1 million expected in Europe this year are no more than have been living in Lebanon, a country the size of Maryland.”



Driving this accelerating brain and wealth drain is the restlessness of China’s well-off and well educated, who are attaining the means to relocate just as their prospects at home appear constrained by slowing growth and entrenched authoritarianism. An astonishing 60 percent of Chinese with net worth above $1.6 million plan to apply for foreign citizenship, according to research by global consulting firm Bain & Co. Meanwhile, Chinese account for nearly 25 percent of the swelling international student army.


Few voters in developed countries are blind to the benefits of hardworking Polish plumbers, Indian software engineers and Chinese graduate students. The key word that jumps out of conversations across the West is “control.” Says Queen’s University’s Banting: “Canadians are not better than other people. But we do have three oceans and the United States to keep our flow under control.”


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