
Morgan Stanley,Maxim集团是1号股票拣货机

London’s TIM Group says these research salespeople excel at alpha capture in the North American market.

The latter half of last year was a notoriously turbulent time for U.S. stocks. On August 24, for example, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged nearly 1,100 points in the first 5 minutes of trading, the largest intraday drop in the nearly 120-year history of the index. Concerns over what action the U.S. Federal Reserve Board might or might not take, thatChina’s economywas about to crash and that commodities prices would continue to plummet helped fuel the volatility.

Despite all the ups and downs, however, the market ended the year not far from where it began, with the S&P 500 index logging a loss of less than 1 percent.

在这些股权研究销售人员可以通过换取方式证明最有效的时代金钱经理利用动荡和识别opportunities that others have overlooked. Among bulge-bracket firms covering the North American market, no sales team did a better job in 2015 than the one at Morgan Stanley, which tops TIM Group’s list of the region’s top performers for a second straight year. The group generated nearly 4,300 trading ideas with an average return of 1.56 percent. J.P. Morgan’s equity sales force, whose 954 recommendations advanced 1.24 percent on average, lands in second place. At No. 3 is瑞士信贷那with just over 2,300 ideas that gained 0.62 percent.

Maxim Group is No. 1 among regional midtier and boutique brokerages, followed by Cowen and Co. in second place and then Wells Fargo Securities.

TIM Group recognizes only the top three among large firms; however, it ranks the ten best performers among the smaller brokerages. Here is the full list, with average returns included parenthetically.

•Maxim Group(2.67%)



•Dougherty & Co. (2.15 percent)*

•Wunderlich Securities (2.17 percent)



•Stifel (1.11 percent)

•CLSA (1.01 percent)

•RBC Capital (0.90 percent)

摩根士丹利在北美股票销售人员中举办了十大最佳个人中的八个;UBSis home to the other two.

Paul Daniel那Morgan Stanley (4.73 percent)

John Proven那UBS (4.57 percent)

Amy Wood那Morgan Stanley (4.15 percent)

Mark Van Der Pluym那Morgan Stanley (3.30 percent)

Thomas Wigg.那Morgan Stanley (2.73 percent)*

Robert Leask,摩根士丹利(2.76%)

Azhar Richmond那Morgan Stanley (2.51 percent)*

Brian Wein那UBS (2.78 percent)

Melissa Scott,摩根士丹利(2.52%)


And the winners among the midtier and boutique brokerages:

Werner Moldrem那Clarksons Platou Securities (6.46 percent)

Ryan Quade那Feltl and Co. (5.70 percent)*

Robert Prather那Vision Research (5.26 percent)*

马修希恩那Scotia Capital (6.04 percent)

Jason Dobis.那Dougherty & Co. (4.41 percent)*

西门龙那Clarksons Platou Securities (4.61 percent)*

Beau Volley那Wells Fargo Securities (5.68 percent)

ryan haney.那Wells Fargo Securities (5.00 percent)

迈克尔芬顿,Maxim Group(4.77%)



TIM Group经营世界上最大的网络连接机构投资者,经纪人的交易理念。亚博赞助欧冠去年近275家销售方公司提交了超过235,000国的建议,该建议将转移到全球范围内的约340个对冲基金和传统货币管理公司。据纽约州的业务发展负责人(纽约州)纽约州的业务发展负责人,追踪伦敦公司的表现,伦敦公司将能够将销售人员与经过验证的赛道记录联系起来,以便将销售人员联系起来。。

Contributors are evaluated on the basis of idea performance, volume and consistency, among other factors, and rankings are compiled for each market that TIM Group serves: Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Japan and North America.


Morgan Stanley has more than 300 analysts worldwide who publish research on over 3,500 stocks. “This provides a powerful platform to service clients with differentiated ideas and content,” Savone notes.

他补充说,最好的建议包括基本分析以及来自经济学家和战略家的宏观观点。“例如,2015年,我们的经济学团队在美国消费者和美国的美国股权战略队伍上看涨,由Adam Parker领导的美国消费者酌情部门超重,”除了纽约。“因此,我们的许多最重要的想法倾向于消费者为导向的股票,包括星座品牌,斯凯克和亚马逊。”

Shares of Victor, New York’s Constellation Brands, a beer and wine distributor, soared 46.2 percent last year; Manhattan Beach, California, footwear manufacturer Skechers U.S.A., 64 percent; and Seattle-based online retailer Amazon.com, more than 117.8 percent.

“Our goal is to have salespeople partner with clients to truly understand the goals of their businesses, enabling them to provide targeted content,” Savone explains. “Each client has different needs, whether it be frequent idea generation or longer-term thematic ideas. Creating an environment of accountability is also important.”



Case in point: Mountain View, California’sAlphabet,搜索引擎Beemoth Google的父母公司。“我们在2015年的看涨字母表,股票又返回了44.5%,”纽约的推销员报告称。“字母表继续攀登”担心的担忧“,涉及长期盈利能力和利润率;颠覆性技术;以及在线广告,电子商务,社交媒体和移动的融合。我们将继续像字母一样,因为公司在关键投资周围增加其披露;退还股东现金;并由于其规模优势,高价值的在线物业和智力资本而导致市场份额。“

Also recommended: McDonald’s Corp. “Early on we identified new CEO [Stephen] Easterbrook as a significant change agent, given his experience and success in turning around the McDonald’s U.K. business, and highlighted a number of key areas of opportunity to fix the business,” Proven recalls. “The company embarked on all-day breakfast in 2015, which drove a return to positive comps. We continue to like McDonald’s as we believe the company is in the midst of a multiyear turnaround, while investors are concerned that successes will be short-lived.”

The Oak Brook, Illinois–based fast food giant’s stock bolted 30.4 percent last year.


蒂姆组编译bulge-bra单独排名cket and boutiques. “Our buy-side customers balance their broker lists to receive ideas from both large and small firms, as they perceive the strengths of each to be slightly different,” explains Robert Schuessler, director of analytics. “But they are less likely to be familiar with smaller houses and so often rely on us to provide introductions and popularize the success of individuals and firms within that segment.”

Many investors will undoubtedly want to meet Werner Moldrem of Clarkson Platou Securities, who is No. 1 among salespeople at midtier and boutique brokerages. He came up with 117 recommendations last year that earned an average return of 6.46 percent.

“As I work at a specialized investment bank focusing on energy and shipping, I feel my strength is my deep knowledge of these sectors,” Moldrem says. “Our internal research and information flow is my largest inspiration for ideas.”

He credits much of his success last year with being ahead of the curve inoilservices. “We understood that many of the companies in the sector with high leverage were going to have a big issue refinancing debt maturities going forward,” he relates. Therefore he advocated shorting such names as Gulfmark Offshore of Houston, Bermuda–based Seadrill and Tidewater of New Orleans. Those stocks plunged 80.9 percent, 71.6 percent and 77.2 percent in 2015.


Moldrem studied finance in Brisbane, Australia, and Bergen, Norway, before joining RS Platou in 2008. U.K. rival Clarkson acquired the firm last year for £281.2 million ($441 million).

“What I enjoy most about my job is that every day is different and that I’m privileged to work with some of the smartest people out there,” Moldrem says. “They’re always keeping me on my toes, as the competition is high.”

Details on TIM Group winners in other regions and in previous years can be found online attimgroup.com

Morgan Stanley also tops亚博赞助欧冠新扩大全美贸易团队名单。点击hereto view complete survey results.