
Eaton Vance’s NextShares Still Finding Its Way

Eaton Vance CEO Tom Faust concedes that it’s been a slow boil for the ETF–mutual fund hybrid so far, though better distribution may help.

主动和被动投资之间的战斗anagers in the U.S. has been tilting decidedly toward the index crowd in recent years, as evidenced by the inflow of $413.8 billion into passively managed funds in 2015. But after some four years of development and regulatory red tape, Boston-based Eaton Vance finally rolled out in late February what it hopes will be ammunition for the active management camp: NextShares, its patented hybrid product that offers mutual fund portfolio management dressed up as an ETF.

Eaton Vance CEO Tom Faust已将产品作为方便的工具,将积极管理的资金流出到更便宜的被动车辆中。其他主要资产管理公司,包括美国烽火顾问和哈特福德基金,这一想法印象深刻,签署了NextAres包装。

尽管安装了预期,但是,nextshares车辆has gotten off to a slow start since the February 26 launch of the first of 18 planned funds. Over the roughly five weeks since it has been open for trading on Nasdaq, equity strategy fund Eaton Vance Stock NextShares (EVSTC) has garnered just $1 million in inflows. Two more funds launched on March 30.


迄今为止,市场观察者以及浮士福士避免了缓慢的吸收:缺乏熟悉产品和有限的分销渠道。“这是一个新产品,历史悠久就回到30天,所以我猜这是一个公平的批评,说这是一个没有许多投资者与nextscares有很多的个人经验,”浮士德告诉亚博赞助欧冠。“It’s early. People aren’t familiar with this because it’s new, though there’s nothing inherently complicated about the funds.”


So far, though, the low trading costs have not been sufficient enticement for investors to jump in. “People will be watching from the sidelines until this gains more momentum,” says Alex Bryan, an ETF and mutual fund analyst at Morningstar in Chicago. Faust, acknowledging the newness of NextShares to investors, sees only a “short learning period” before others get more comfortable with ETMFs. As for the strategies themselves, the first three funds use the same underlying portfolio as existing NextShares funds via a master feeder structure, so investors who follow Eaton Vance will know what they’re getting into, he says.

除了犹豫不决,如果他们无法访问它,投资者无法购买。迄今为止,只有一位经纪人提供NextsCares:Folio Investing,浮士福师们承认的在线经纪公司拥有“相对较小的足迹”。直到更广泛的分销网络在线,他和分析师都希望流入保持谦虚。S&P Capital IQ的Rosenbluth将分销网络视为吸引资产的主要挑战。最初签署的其他公司签署为自己的资金,如Mario Gabelli的Gamco投资者,可能会撤回,直到分销Kinks锻炼。“其他公司不会想要推出,直到有用的用例,并且有任何常用的经纪平台,”Rosenbluth仍在继续。

更广泛的分销也将有助于达到普遍的市场风,浮士福音。伦敦的ETFGI咨询公司Etfgi的管理合伙人Deborah Fuhr指出,NextAres在最富裕的年度开始期间发布。证券第二届去年年底为ETMF授予伊顿Vance批准,而钢铁的公司则需要罢工。“当你得到批准时,你想利用它,”她说。“你不想坐在它上。”



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