雷·达里奥布里奇沃特Associates,famously lives and runs his business by 210 management principles. One of his former employees — FBI director James Comey — proved he was a diligent student of Dalio’s controversial doctrine, as the latest bombshell in a scandal-plagued presidential election cycle shows.
Comey broke with Justice Department policy and opinion on Friday by informing lawmakers of a cache of new emails relevant to the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. His disclosure upended the presidential race, drew stinging rebukes from senior officials, and may have violated federal law, according to the Democrats’ top senator. It also perfectly adhered to several of Dalio’s principles. Among them:
Principle No. 1: Trust in truth.
As FBI director, Comey made “a breathtakingly rash and irresponsible decision,” declared《纽约时报》’ editorial board. Yet as a Bridgewater alumnus, his choice to inform Congress reflected Dalio’s principles. If anything, the hedge fund’s ex-chief counsel didn’t go far enough.
“It’s been operating this way for 40 years, and it’s the basis of our success,” the billionaire continued. “It’s not theoretical.”
科米在这家总部位于康涅狄格州韦斯特波特的公司工作了三年,这家公司是世界上最大的对冲基金公司。(布里奇沃特选择不对此事置评)科米在2010年加入时,曾担任纽约南区的美国检察官(换言之,担任华尔街最高警察)、副检察长和洛克希德·马丁公司的总法律顾问。布里奇沃特在整合高层员工方面的记录很差(见:Britt Harris,Rick Bookstaber),但科米被证明比大多数人更适合文化。
“我记得有一个客户打电话给我,电话里是司法部的一个高耸的人物,他坐在地板上,”Maneesh Shanbhag回忆说,他在Bridgewater的五年任期中与科米有过交集。“科米的信息是,‘我是来学习的。’”
Shanbhag说,这位身高6英尺8英寸的前检察官正是人们想要管理FBI的那种人。布里奇沃特(Bridgewater)也帮助塑造了Shanbhag:他现在在Greenline Partners执行一项无杠杆风险平价型策略。科米,他说,“从我所知的很少来看,他是一个非常正直的人。我的第一直觉是,政治干预根本不是吉姆·科米。”
In that view, facing new potential evidence in a case of great public interest, the FBI director made an apolitical choice for transparency, incurring a massive political fallout.
“For Jim,” Shanbhag says, “I imagine he had to decide, ‘Do I go with this messy process where I keep people more informed?’” Abnormal transparency and messiness mark Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation — from his chastening, “extremely careless” remark in July while arguing for no charges to Friday’s “supplement.”
“Openness leads to truth and trust,” Dalio’s manifesto states. “It’s simple — just don’t filter.” Last spring the hedge fund titan acknowledged exceptions to this rule, for example, “with your wife.” But the philosophy applies well beyond company confines to society at large, he continued.
据哈佛大学教授、领导力专家罗伯特·凯根(Robert Kegan)说,科米将其塑造成一名公职人员。在布什政府期间,科米在约翰·阿什克罗夫特住院期间担任司法部长期间拒绝签署9/11事件后的监视计划。凯根说,这一事件肯定了科米作为华盛顿最值得信赖的官员的两党声誉。然而,凯根说,最近几个月,特别是最近几天,这位联邦调查局局长还没有完全达到这个声誉。
“我认为他犯了一个错误,”Kegan说,他为他的新书研究了Bridgewater,人人共享的文化亚慱体育app怎么下载. “科米在传达他对房子所做的事情时真的很透明吗?他说得够清楚了吗,“我对这些电子邮件的实际内容了解不多”?他是否足够透明,以至于任何人都不应该对其中所包含的内容迅速下结论?凯根继续说:“科米深不可测的信息和此后的沉默“不会通过布里奇沃特的酒吧。”。“我们生活在这个奇怪的政治漩涡中,没有细微差别。善良的人,有着良好的意图,仍然会犯错误。我想事情就是这样。”
原则9:认识到有效,innovative thinkers are going to make mistakes.
“Bridgewater and the FBI are two different institutions,” the soon-to-be director concluded. “But I promise you I will carry those values with me and try to spread them as far as I can within the institution.”
A few weeks later, the U.S. Senate confirmed Comey as director of the FBI, by a vote of 93 to 1.
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