
MarketGrader Strikes在中国策划智能测试曲目




市场是一家以佛罗里达州珊瑚纳瓦尔州的珊瑚贵宾公司的股票研究公司将开始与中国证券指数公司合作提供智能测试索引。They’ll start with the CSI MarketGrader China A-Shares 200 Index and the CSI MarketGrader China A-Shares New Economy Index, which are designed to identify financially strong companies using a proprietary, ‘growth-at-a-reasonable-price’ stock selection method in the world’s second largest economy.

Carlos Diez, founder and chief executive officer of MarketGrader, says the firm started building its research coverage of companies in China four years ago, positioning itself to enter the nation’s investment management industry, which started as recently as 1998. According to Morningstar, there was just $256 million invested in smart beta exchange-traded funds in mainland China in June 2016, compared to close to $500 billion in the U.S.




最着名的Barron的400指数,MarketGrader使用一系列基本的研究措施来筛选股票。该公司提供了第一个Smart Beta指数,该指数在2003年以24个指标基于24个指标。智能测试版的优势是可定制指数以避免某些类型的证券。

MarketGrader不是中国第一个智能测试版索引提供商,资金必须使用CSI列出的基准。Rob Arnott的研究附属公司在香港致电致电Rayliant Global Advisors.提供为亚洲市场定制的Smart Beta Investments。