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这是国家养老金计划的紧张时间 - 其460亿美元的教师养老金的董事会变更可能导致其投资办公室的新行进订单。

In recent months, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has made two new appointments to the board of the state’s Teachers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees — and a source familiar with the situation says the Rauner appointees could begin pushing for big changes to the way the $46 billion pension plan operates.

5月,伊利诺伊州州长布鲁斯拉克队被任命为教师退休制度的董事会的Matthew Hower,该委员会监督该州的教师退休系统(TRS)。上个月,拉持者 - 一名私募股权主管在2014年到总督办公室的大选 - 伊利诺伊州的伊利诺伊州投资委员会(ISBI)的主席,以及教师退休委员会的Marc Levine。新约会在13人董事会上给予州长拉租车六个席位,当时州的债务在垃圾债券地位上以上的垃圾债券地位摇摆不到垃圾债券地位,因为其1190亿美元的养老金赤字。责任改革的努力已经被法院推翻,留下了较少和更少的选择如何管理赤字的国家。虽然该州的养老金计划可能是不可能的,但与这些计划的绩效和成本进行投资,而与这些计划相关的绩效和成本仍然很重要。


Levine has overseen a重大大修of that pension plan’s investment approach, transforming the portfolio from having the majority of assets actively managed by outside managers to a one that is two-thirds indexed in passive investments. In the process ISBI let go of more than 87 active managers.

现在TRS可以看出类似的震撼。根据它最近的年度报告那TRS now allocates 21.7 percent of its portfolio to global fixed income, 18.9 percent to global equities, 16.3 percent to U.S. equities, 15.2 percent to real estate, 12 percent to private equity, 7 percent to absolute return, 6.3 percent to real return assets, and 2.6 percent to short term investments and currencies. Within the U.S. equity portfolio — a prime target for indexing given the struggles active mangers have had in trying to beat the stock market in recent years — 60.8 percent is invested with active large-cap managers and 18.5 with active small- and mid-cap managers, while the remainder is indexed. The large-cap active mangers include Acadian Asset Management, J.P. Morgan Investment Management, MFS Institutional Advisors, Robeco Boston Partners Asset Management, and T. Rowe Price Associates. On the international equity side, only 21.4 percent is in passive accounts. Active international mangers include Aberdeen Asset Management, AQR Capital Management, LSV Asset Management, and Mondrian Investment Partners.

如果拉持人员任命决定推动更加被动的投资方法,他们将不得不赢得投资委员会的一个或多个其他成员。按法规,TRS董事会主席是州立学校主管托尼史密斯。董事会的其他六名成员都是联盟当选。新董事会的第一次会议于6月21日和第22届会议。TRS执行董事Richard Ingram没有立即回复电子邮件的评论请求。

与伊利诺伊州的其他公共计划一样,TRS正在努力实现重大的额外资金问题,养老金计划目前占714亿美元。许多养老金系统都受到支付的批评high fees在积极的钱管理人员,同时努力努力弥补差距。索引提供了一种减少与运营养老金计划相关的管理成本的一种方法。

引用其赤字,包括养老金计划,并在立法机关中继续无法实现解决方案,本月穆迪和标准普尔降级伊利诺伊州的信用评级到垃圾状态上方的一个档次。标准人士警告说,国家可能会失去投资级地位 - 如果立法者没有对预算和赤字作出任何进展,则为美国国家的前所未有的结果 - 截至7月1日。
