Lynn Good, CEO of Charlotte, North Carolina–based Duke Energy Corp., the U.S.’s largest utility, is hardly a stranger to controversy. She spent the first part of her career at accounting firm Arthur Andersen, eventually becoming a partner — a dream job for the daughter of a high school principal and a teacher — only to see the firm flame out in 2002 after it was indicted by the Department of Justice for its role in Enron Corp.’s accounting scandal.
In February 2014, seven months after becoming CEO of Duke, Good learned that a drainage pipe under a storage pond at an old coal plant had broken, allowing deadly coal ash to flow into the Dan River, which lies on the border of North Carolina and Virginia. Soon Good was being attacked by environmentalists, regulators and the media. Having previously served as the energy company’s CFO, she wasn’t used to the spotlight. After the disaster she was constantly in the public eye and demonized as the face of corporate indifference in ads sponsored by environmentalists. The controversy culminated in a60 Minutes资深记者莱斯利斯赫尔的概况良好的简介。
今天,Dan River Spill很大程度上在Duke后面,为Carolinas,佛罗里达州,印第安纳州,肯塔基州和俄亥俄州提供电力。虽然公司在事故发生前搬到清洁能源的举动,但良好的已经领先于公爵的转型renewable energy- 尽管它仍然是整体混合的一小部分 - 以及远离煤炭。Duke大大增加了其天然气能力。良好,56岁,在成为首席财务官之前,在其初始发展阶段领导了该公司的可再生能源项目,以她的信念为指导,即美国电力公用事业最大的情况下必须平衡可靠性,成本和环境。
好说她在俄亥俄州费尔菲尔德的童年鼓励强烈的职业道德。她的父母在抑郁症期间出生,通过大学工作,并成为教师。“我的任务,”她解释说,“是上大学,找到很好的事情,并对它充满热情。”她在1981年毕业后,在俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学进行了系统分析和会计,并加入了Arthur Andersen作为审计员。当坚定崩溃时,她被震惊了。“当我们过渡客户和工作人员时,没有太多的情感时间,”她回忆道。“但那么它的重量都在一段时间内打了我。我失去了我所做的一切。“
早在2002年5月,德勤&触控良好,但很快就会出于公共会计。次年,她与辛辛那提的Cinergy Corp.占据了一席之地。经过2006年的公爵购买Tinergy后,第一个成为财务主任,然后前往商业业务。三年后她成了首席财务官。
高级作家Julie Segal最近与Duke的CEO关于她的公司搬到更清洁能源的首席执行官,其在谈话投资者的作用是关于气候变化的影响,环境和社会责任。
I was on the site pretty quickly after the event occurred. Until you lay eyes on something, it’s often hard to get a full picture. We had industrial equipment everywhere. We had pumps. We had lights. We had cranes in place. We had a 24-hour operation. I was getting out of the car, and the head of fossil generation says: “Lynn, I’m sorry. We will fix this.” And you can see the human emotion on the faces of people that are out there, that this is extraordinarily important to them and they are giving every ounce of human effort to make it right.
我认为以透视保持一致。媒体的外观或者在社交媒体或报纸中的内容 - 这很重要。你在聚光灯下,你必须关心尽可能地获得这种信息。但这只是你管理的馅饼的一小块。您还在监督内部资源,您正在管理短期和长期的决策,您正在管理对他人的那个事件的关系。这必须与公司发生的所有其他事情都相平衡。
Duke has had, and continues to have, a very keen focus on stakeholder outreach. These issues ofclimate甚至治理问题都是复杂的。它需要坐下来分享观点,试图达到我们试图去的地方的共同看法以及将在那里获得哪些选择。Duke是一家在这些领域做出了巨大进步的公司。
Can you talk about carbon emissions?
Yes. Our customers count on 24-7 uninterrupted power. Our customers also care about affordability, whether it’s a low-income customer who has a limited set of resources and the power bill is in the same stack as the food bill, or an industrial customer who is trying to compete with overseas opportunities and advantaged labor costs in certain markets. Energy can really be a differentiator here in the U.S. The solutions to complex problems are not simple and are not solved overnight. I’m asking how we keep moving in a direction that balances all of these things: meeting the needs of our customers, producing cleaner power and maintaining the reliability that everyone counts on.
Tell us about your conversations with institutional investors, such as endowments, that are under pressure to divest from fossil fuel companies.
It’s much like the one we’re having right now. They want to understand what our vision is of the future, how we think about clean energy and where we’re making our investments, how we balance affordability and reliability and the environment. We’ve found that institutional investors appreciate that there isn’t a silver bullet. We certainly can’t close every plant we have and build completely new and find a balance with those three priorities. I think it’s generally a good discussion about the steps we’re taking to achieve a longer-term vision.
Please talk about the challenges involved with nuclear power.
Well, first, the benefits. Duke has had a long history of nuclear power, and it’s really been an innovator and a leader over decades. If you look at the price of power in the Carolinas, we are well below the national average. And one of the reasons is nuclear generation. Our communities here in the Carolinas are very supportive of nuclear. They understand the economic development benefits, the clean-energy element, and I think they have confidence around our and the industry’s safety track record.
我们是储存的最大投资者之一,探索可再生能源技术 - 大型便携式设备,可在服务中断期间提供帮助,甚至为客户家庭提供更小的存储解决方案。我们专注于储存,因为它代表了一些潜在的解决方案,了解腿筋可再生能源的一些问题:例如,风并不总是打击,因此您需要将这种能量存储在平静的一天。
We’re also looking at technologies around the grid — the wires connecting a generating station and a customer. We need more resiliency, better communication techniques and better information for customers. We spend a lot of time on renewables and how to make them more efficient. We’re exploring how to get more energy out of them, where to place them and how the inconsistency of renewables’ energy output fits with the rest of our system.
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