

New guidance from the World Federation of Exchanges aims to boost environmental, social and governance disclosure among corporations.

Kristen Sullivan is all too familiar with the reasons that public companies give for failing to report on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics. Sullivan, who leads the sustainability reporting, assurance and compliance services for the U.S. arm of professional services firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, keeps hearing the same refrain: On earnings calls, investors don’t ask about nonfinancial benchmarks, corporate clients tell her. Such disclosure is a waste of time and resources, they say. And what should companies be reporting in such areas, exactly? There’s no clear standard for publishing ESG indicators, as there is for financial information.


但是沙利文预测了这一点ESG举报指导去年十月世界交易所联合会发布那the trade group for the world’s stock exchanges, will strike a chord with companies — perhaps more strongly than any previous initiative. The WFE’s 64 member exchanges can choose whether to make the reporting directives mandatory for listed companies or adopt them as voluntary guidelines. Either way, Sullivan says her corporate clients are paying close attention.


截至11月份,有45,796家公司上市的WFE交易所,总市场资本化为63.7万亿美元。In drafting its guidance, the WFE drew from existing ESG regulations among member exchanges and various reporting frameworks, including those issued by Britain’s CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), the international Global Reporting Initiative and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board in the U.S. The result is a list of 33 key performance indicators, such as carbon intensity, water management and the ratio of CEO to employee pay.


为他们,投资者表示,他们渴望拥有更正式和国际一致的ESG报告框架。去年十月,米歇尔·埃德金斯那global head of corporate governance and responsible investment at资产经理Blackrock.,发布了一个op-ed养老金和投资她叫做ESG数据来源的杂志,即她的公司必须依赖“拼凑”。她要求证券交易所率先从公司中获取更多ESG数据,使大型投资者能够在他们可以获得的ESG报告中享受一些标准化。


华盛顿州纳斯达克股市的企业责任总监Evan Harvey and WFE工作组主席起草了指导,承认在具有大型,竞争性首次公开发售市场的地区 - 特别是纽约和伦敦 - ESG披露仍然是自愿的,因为交流和监管机构担心推开新的发行人可以被视为繁琐的规则。

美国监管机构可能不会强迫公司做的事实ESG报告哈维补充说,是纳斯达克选择帮助推动WFE倡议的主要原因。“我们希望这是一个统一的多边努力,”他说,“与世界上所有的证券交易所都采取行动,以一种声音来试图推动一些改变 - 而不是利用竞争劣势的一个或两个或十几个交流。”

纳斯达克(Nasdaq)尚未发布自愿的环境、社会和治理指导啊f its own based on the WFE recommendations. The exchange is still trying to determine how best to proceed, Harvey explains. He points to the U.K., where regulators require companies to report on their financials twice a year. “They’ve gotten out of the quarterly churn, which takes up a lot of time with financial disclosures, so they can focus their disclosures on more long-term projects like sustainability,” Harvey says. “That’s an interesting model to contemplate as we try to figure out what the right direction is.”