Some market observers predict a global financial crisis in 2016–’17 — one just as serious, if not more so, than that of 2008–’09. With excess liquidity sloshing around global markets and Brazil, China and various commodity exporters experiencing economic turmoil, the stage is being set for another crisis.
Last weekend the International Monetary Fund made its second cut to global growth forecasts this year. Many economic commentators have begun asking what would happen if the next recession hit while interest rates were still far below pre-2008 levels.
Despite these issues, the regulatory foundations built over the past eight years are resilient, and an economic crisis — if it does occur — will not stem from the same causes as those of the late-2000s recession. Indeed, securitization and private sector debt have decreased since 2008. And although public debt ratios are high, very low interest rates offset much of the risk. What’s more, there is no bubble in the stock markets or real estate markets — the U.K.’s markets being the exception. Though there is a bond bubble, central banks are doing all they can to prevent it from bursting.
Another potential crisis trigger would be a significant credit incident. The default of a large,像巴西这样的陷入困境的国家或者重要的公司 - 例如美国能源部门的公司 - 将导致美国和欧洲风险保费的增加。由于这些资产的市场相对不足,影响将击中欧元区外围债券和企业债券。当然,从这些证券撤出投资者将意味着风险保费的急剧上涨,而且又导致外围国家的偿付能力和公司融资成本提高。
任何经济预测都取决于无数因素,尽管大小的经济危机大于2008年的经济危机似乎在短期内似乎非常不可能。的确,这是巴塞尔III符合银行资本的改革许多银行家已被录取为一个扩展的MEA CULPA,以便在危机面前如此艰难地错过。
尽管普遍认为roug新的危机hly every eight years — 1990, 1998, 2007–’08 and perhaps 2016 — what seems more likely is a cyclical slowdown in the U.S. and Europe, because of the ongoing decline of the corporate investment cycle in the U.S. and the weakness of exports to emerging-markets and oil-exporting countries. Let’s hope that Brazil continues to float in 2016.
帕特里克艺术是主要经济学家 Paris.
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