尽管新的一周开始,但尽管石油期货轻微反弹,但全球股市仍然跌幅。农历新年假期为中国和其他亚洲股票市场提供了缓刑,但MSCI新兴市场指数仍然跌至大约一半的百分之一年,而在欧洲早期交易随着STOXX 600推出超过2%而令人难以置疑。通过持续需求证据抑制投资者情绪,货币和经济政策将留在聚光灯下美联储主席耶伦在星期三开始,在国会山和欧洲群组会议上的证词成为风险叙述的重点。
以营利为目的的教育公司去私人。菲尼克斯,亚利桑那州的阿波罗教育集团,凤凰城大学和其他营利性高校的运营商周一宣布,将通过私募股权投资,包括收购私有化阿波罗全球管理(无隶属于阿波罗教育),经过几个月的多方谈话。这笔交易价值超过10亿美元,旨在为本公司购买时间,因为它在面对审查方面改进了其商业模式。The for-profit education sector has suffered harsh criticism from some elected officials and government bodies due to high default rates on Federally guaranteed student loans and low graduation rates.阿波罗一直是该部门公司中最活跃的游说者之一。
我们都会犯错。投资者犯错误。交易员犯错误,而职业经理人犯错误。Of course, part of the “game” is to make as few unforced errors as possible, but it’s also worthwhile to consider the types of mistakes to which humans—all humans—are vulnerable, and to consider some ways to protect ourselves from errors driven by those mistakes. One of the recurring errors in financial markets is to fall prey to confirmation bias: when someone suffers from confirmation bias, that person focuses on information that supports his or her investment thesis, while ignoring data points that contradict. In many cases, contradictory data is not only ignored, it is not processed. One of the best ways to protect against this bias is to actively seek contradictory information, and to focus on those data points that challenge our biases or reasons for being in any position. Confirmation will take care of itself; we need to focus on information that suggests a different picture.