

For clues as to how European, U.K. and U.S. government bond yields may perform, take a look at Japanese government bonds.


It may be instructive to scour Japan’s experience for clues to the fate of today’s extraordinarily low rate environment — and if Japan’s road map is any guide, U.S., U.K. and German yields likely will fall even further than they already have.

What does all of this mean for global fixed-income investors? As they pick their way through an investment universe bloated by increased debt issuance, the advantages of an actively managed approach have been thrown into stark relief.


在没有债券投资者的两个敌人,增长和通货膨胀那we expect government bond yields to remain low. In Europe markets have defied expectations that already extremely low government bond yields could not go lower by breaking through the zero rate barrier. As the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing program buys more debt than countries are issuing, the resulting negative net supply pipeline has led to an environment in which nearly 40 percent of euro zone government bonds trade with a negative yield.


此外,还有历史证据表明,十年的财政收益率将基于与美联储基金利率的关系来保持锚定。通常,当在联邦储备紧缩循环结束时达到终端速率时,递转产量曲线 - 即十年的财产收益率低于基本率。鉴于我们预期美联储在当前收紧周期中达到2%的终端率的挑战,我们认为十年的财政部不会高于目前的水平。


In an attempt to encourage lending and revive demand after an asset price bubble burst, Japan’s central bank slashed interest rates from 6 percent in 1991 to less than 1 percent in 1995 and eventually to zero in 1999. With some short-lived exceptions, Japanese government bond (JGB) yields have remained at ultralow levels ever since.


虽然我们经常将量化宽松作为最近的现象,但日本央行于2001年开创了这一概念,当时它启动了当前账户 - 余额作为增加金融体系流动资金的方法。由于假设下一步率将升高并缺乏收益率将降低速度的能力,因此通常认为低政府债券收益率对固定收入返回产生负面影响。尽管如此,日本的固定收入继续为投资者提供体面的回报:彭博日本主权债券指数在2015年至2015年的五年内提供了2.25%的年度返回。




传统的固定收益投资benchmark-basedis clearly no longer fit for purpose. Portfolios once positioned in line with market-cap-weighted indexes can no longer provide sufficient protection against rising rates. Issuers extending the duration of their debt in a low-yield environment will result in an eroded yield cushion, serving to concentrate rather than diversify risk in bond benchmarks. That makes it all the more imperative to invest only in those countries and companies in which investors have strong conviction that they will be repaid, with interest.

Nick Gartside是固定收入的国际首席投资官J.P.摩根资产管理在伦敦。

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