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Weekend Giant Reading: September 2 – 4, 2016

Time for the weekend! Here’s some of the latest news for your reading enjoyment.

Time for the weekend! Here’s some of the latest news for your reading enjoyment:

- It’s Not You, It’s Me:Citing domestic budgetary pressures, many SWFs are apparently continuing to pull their capital from third party asset managers. Theywithdrew $16 billion last quarter alone

——易怒的有限合伙人:According to the Australian Future Fund, gone are the days when it wouldpay performance fees for returns based on luck or lazy use of leverage。Amen.

- Insane LPs:A report out this morning says thatsovereign funds are striking deals with private GPs that are “not even in writing.”Oh, yeah, I’m sure that’ll work out just great.

- Forcing LPs:California will soon beforcing all LPs to disclose their private equity fees。Good.

- C3PO Says:Hedge funds aren’t making money today. Private equity isn’t expected to make money tomorrow. What does this mean for pensions? According famed pension analyst C3PO . . .We’re doomed

- Other People’s Money I:India’s new sovereign wealth fund has a unique funding model. According to reports, it is trying to source wealth from other sovereigns for its own fund. In other words . . . it’snot really a sovereign fund at all。它似乎更kin to a state directed asset management business.

- Other People’s Money II:While we’re at it, India figures, let’sset up a few more of these sovereign funds。After all, it’s other peoples’ money!

- New SWFs:Turkey has reportedlyset up the shell for its new SWF

- Selfie:In which I argue that“Robo-Savers” will prevent retiremageddon and the savepocalypse

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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