
每日议程:U.K. PM说Brexit于3月开始


在保守党的年度会议上的讲话中,U.K. Theresa总理可能表示她将触发U.K.从欧洲联盟提取的撤销过程不迟于2017年3月。可能会在分离后提出立法以保持所有现行法律。企业领导人在迫在眉睫的截止日期下表达了一些担忧,急于了解新的贸易协定的细节。据说她会搬到一个关于移民的新限制,即与英国前欧盟合作伙伴的关系可能变得更加紧张,因为谈判开始。磅数靠近三十年的低与美元相比,响应讲话,并对所谓的硬布雷克特或偏离欧盟的疑虑。自6月份投票投票以来,该货币现已以美元条款下降超过13%。尽管令人担忧,基本面的基本面继续产生与今天发布的市场制造商品指数水平的混合信号,从2014年开始,该指数为55.4,9月份与前53.3次。由于第四季度开始,U.K.投资者发现自己对Brexit时机有更好的意义,但在很大程度上仍然在黑暗中,关于完全市场的影响。

德意志银行股票价格跳跃谣言减少沉降。The share price of Deutsche Bank rose by more than 6 percent in early trading today on media reports that the German lender may be close to a deal that will reduce the settlement demanded by the U.S. Department of Justice over the bank’s sale of mortgage-backed securities before the 2008 financial crisis. According to Agence France-Presse, which cited anonymous sources, the Department of Justice and Deutsche Bank could agree to a levy of only $5.4 billion—less than half the original amount sought by U.S. authorities. Shares of the bank, which is Germany’s largest lender, reached record lows on Friday after reports that some buy-side clients were reducing credit exposures to the bank.

亨德森获得Janus。Earlier today, Henderson Group announced a deal to acquire U.S. money manager Janus Capital Group in a move that will elevate the combined firm’s assets under management to more than $320 billion, with Henderson shareholders controlling roughly 57 percent of shares outstanding in an all-stock merger. As part of the transaction, the largest Janus shareholder, Japanese insurance company Dai-ichi Life Holdings, will boost its ownership stake in the new entity. Henderson CEO Andrew Formica and Janus CEO Richard Weil will lead the firm jointly according to a statement.

伊利诺伊州考虑冻结威尔士法尔戈。A press conference scheduled for later today by Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs is expected to include an announcement that the state will suspend San Francisco bank Wells Fargo & Co.’s public finance bankers from handling bond issuance because of the ongoing scandal over consumer-loan sales practices. Separately, on Friday Chicago City Council’s finance committee announced that the city would suspend municipal-issue business with Wells for a two-year period. The state of California announced a 12-month suspension last week.

Convatec是最大的U.K. Ipo一年。U.K.-based therapeutics company ConvaTec is slated to debut as a public company in an initial public offering that may raise as much as $1.8 billion, making it the largest U.K. IPO of 2016. The medical device and technology firm was sold by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. in 2008 to companies controlled by Nordic Capital and Avista Capital Partners. The proceeds of the offering will be used by ConvaTec to reduce its nearly $3.5 billion in debt.

