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Second-Quarter 2016 Corporate Buyback Scorecard; Industry Comparison

The Industry Comparison table below ranks the 305 companies in the S&P 500 that bought back at least 4 percent or more than $1 billion of their shares from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2016.

The table below ranks the 305 companies in the S&P 500 that bought back at least 4 percent or more than $1 billion of their shares from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2016. The companies are ranked according to their return on investment from these repurchases. As calculated by Fortuna Advisors, a New York City-based consultancy that compiled the data for亚博赞助欧冠, buyback ROI measures the overall rate of return of buybacks, based on the internal rate of return of the cash flows associated with them. Buyback strategy tracks the performance of the underlying stock in terms of annualized total shareholder return. Once Fortuna determines buyback ROI and buyback strategy, buyback effectiveness can then be calculated as simply the difference between the two, determined as compounded return.

在年代比较行业如何tock Repurchasers
Industry Market
$ Total
$ Total
Buyback /
Market Cap
Food, Beverage and Tobacco $1,170,404 $44,301 3.8% 13.6% -1.2% 12.3%
Software and Services $2,360,017 $110,859 4.7% 12.3% -1.7% 10.5%
Telecommunication Services $533,690 $6,813 1.3% 6.9% 3.3% 10.4%
Consumer Services $308,119 $31,687 10.3% 12.1% -2.0% 9.9%
Commercial and Professional Services $126,179 $7,551 6.0% 13.5% -3.3% 9.8%
Household and Personal Products $404,970 $15,418 3.8% 8.6% 0.4% 9.1%
Food and Staples Retailing $562,936 $28,023 5.0% 8.7% -1.3% 7.3%
Real Estate $609,169 $4,928 0.8% 6.3% 0.6% 6.9%
Capital Goods $1,323,801 $110,974 8.4% 5.6% 0.6% 6.2%
Healthcare Equipment and Services $1,042,476 $48,899 4.7% 14.2% -7.2% 6.0%
Utilities $654,262 $3,554 0.5% 2.7% 2.0% 4.8%
Retailing $1,083,005 $63,314 5.8% 15.2% -9.1% 4.6%
Insurance $490,160 $59,003 12.0% 6.2% -1.8% 4.3%
Consumer Durables and Apparel $297,993 $14,235 4.8% 8.2% -4.0% 3.9%
Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology
and Life Sciences
$1,702,111 $95,835 5.6% 8.2% -7.1% 0.5%
Semiconductors and
Semiconductor Equipment
516368美元 $45,279 8.8% 1.6% -1.5% 0.1%
Media $548,765 $56,054 10.2% 3.8% -4.7% -1.1%
Materials $539,137 $35,749 6.6% -0.9% -1.9% -2.8%
Banks $959,645 $60,112 6.3% 1.5% -5.4% -4.0%
Transportation $391,392 $41,618 10.6% 3.4% -8.5% -5.4%
Technology Hardware and Equipment $872,525 $119,361 13.7% 6.5% -11.5% -5.8%
Automobiles and Components $161,117 $15,995 9.9% -5.0% -1.1% -6.1%
Energy $1,356,875 $36,694 2.7% -7.4% 0.5% -7.0%
Diversified Financials $964,164 $61,873 6.4% -2.3% -6.7% -8.9%
S&P 500 $18,979,282 $1,118,130 5.9% 6.5% -4.7% 1.5%
Source: Fortuna Advisors Analysis using data from the Capital IQ database.

Financial Data from June 2014 to June 2016. Includes the 487 members of the current S&P 500 that were public for the full period.

Market Capitalization as of: 6/30/2016.