
Mark Echlin Looms Credit Suisse's Emea M&A Revival

Fluent in Russian, the firm’s co-head of investment banking and capital markets for the region made his name in the mining sector.

MARK ECHLIN的职业生涯,作为一个矿业的并购专家把他带到遥远的地方,他在俄罗斯的流畅度使他成为去到银行的总部位于莫斯科的铝生产商美国公司RUSAL的喜欢。“我喜欢并购的全球性质,看看国际资本制造的差异,”欧洲,中东和非洲的投资银行和资本市场的共同负责人表示。

然而,伦敦的Echlin一直居住在他的本地英格兰,他的兴趣帮助让他靠近家。每天夏天,狂热的音乐迷参加并支持Garsington Opera,在Buckinghamshire六周户外节。此类活动从其日益增长的职责提供了转移。

在过去的两年里,Echin和他的同事,Marisa画了那have turned Credit Suisse’s EMEA M&A franchise around as part of a shift to emphasize corporate finance rather than capital-intensive trading. The bank ranked second in announced European M&A during the first half of 2016, according to Dealogic, advising on 44 deals worth a collective $159.7 billion. That’s a dramatic improvement over tenth place for the same period last year, when it worked on 27 transactions with a combined value of $61 billion.

Last November, CEO Tidjane Thiam recognized this achievement when he made James Amine head of the newly formed investment banking and capital markets division and put Echlin and Drew in charge of its EMEA business. Echlin, 52, previously co-head of the global industrials group, has played a key role in the bank's deal-making activity and revival.

Credit Suisse has worked on Europe’s two largest pending deals so far this year, advising German chemicals and pharmaceuticals giant Bayer on its $62 billion bid for U.S. seed maker Monsanto Co. and Swiss pesticides conglomerate Syngenta on a $46.7 billion offer from China National Chemical Corp. (ChemChina).

It’s a return to form after the firm cut back its European operations in response to the sharp rise in capital requirements imposed by Swiss regulators in 2012. “We remodeled our business to generate strong returns in the new capital environment, but that came at a cost in market share, particularly in large-cap corporate M&A,” Echlin says. He and Drew have made a series of senior hires, including Henrik Aslaksen, a former global head of M&A at Deutsche Bank who joined as head of strategic client coverage in April, and Cathal Deasy, who takes over as head of M&A for EMEA from Deutsche Bank in October.

The deal maker, who earned a geography degree from his hometown’s University of Cambridge in 1985, was set to follow his parents into academia after completing a doctorate in Russian history at the University of Oxford in 1988. Instead, he took a friend’s advice and joined Morgan Grenfell & Co., the leading U.K. investment bank of the day, as a graduate trainee that year, starting out in project finance.

1990年,他搬到了摩根士丹利,在专业从事自然资源之前,为一般主义者和银行家支出两年。“当时,我感到沮丧,因为所有的行动都在技术部门进行,而我正在覆盖里奥蒂托和英国钢铁,”Echin Recalls。

在1999年的技术泡沫爆发时,这些担忧已被证明是没有根据的。Echlin骑着商品繁荣,与两个部门最大和最具收购公司的两个人锻炼身体的长期关系。他于1997年开始向澳大利亚金属和矿业巨头里约热内票开始提供建议,当时他通过Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp.及其主要子公司Conzinc Riototo of Australia的创作。

In the late 1990s he met Ivan Glasenberg, now CEO of Baar, Switzerland–based Glencore. “Mark knows the sector extremely well and has good ideas,” Glasenberg says. “He’s also very valuable in Russia because of his knowledge of the market and language skills.”

Echin于2000年晋升为摩根斯坦利董事总经理,2007年在2007年在辞职加入Merrill Lynch&Co.作为Emea工业负责人的时候运行了2007年。那一年,他将他的俄语技能咨询到亿万富翁德国德普斯卡的欧洲诉讼,从莫斯科总部购买了25%的股权MMC Norilsk Nickel, controlled by Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov

Echlin left Merrill Lynch in the aftermath of its 2009 acquisition by Bank of America Corp. “I didn’t enjoy being a small part of a big machine, and I saw Credit Suisse as a great opportunity because it had a good crisis and an extremely strong M&A platform,” he explains.

At Credit Suisse, Echlin renewed ties with Rio Tinto, advising on its $15.2 billion rights issue in 2009 and its 2012 acquisition of Vancouver-based Ivanhoe Mines. He also worked for RUSAL again, this time as global coordinator on its $2 billion initial public offering in 2010, the first by a Russian company in Hong Kong.

Echlin followed that success by leading Glencore’s $10 billion IPO in 2011. In 2014 he advised the company on the $7 billion sale of its interest in Peru’s Las Bambas copper mine, prompted by Chinese regulators as a condition of approving Glencore’s $31 billion acquisition of Zug, Switzerland–based Xstrata in 2013, which ended a wave of blockbuster mining deals. “The era of large resources mergers is over, not least because of the high level of regulatory risk,” Echlin says.

