
Post-Brexit PM Theresa May Inherits a Heavy Burden


In the end, the succession proved nearly as swift and unexpected as the event that triggered the U.K.’s political turmoil. After more than two weeks of vicious infighting unleashed by theBREXIT公民投票英国的执政保守党膏托尔斯纳威尔斯纳可能是在她的最后一次竞争对手突然撤回了大卫·卡梅伦,在7月11日突然退出。今天,她成为英国历史第二届女性总理。


“She’s definitely the best chance of the Conservatives being able to unite, but it’s going to be tough,” says Jacob Nell, chief U.K. economist at Morgan Stanley in London. “She’s got a small majority, and the party’s very divided over the EU.”



鲍里斯约翰逊是前伦敦市长,曾曾曾抬头的Brexit推动,并且被广泛的预计将成功成功,似乎没有Clue与他的胜利有关,在投票结束后周末演奏蟋蟀,然后撰写报纸专栏,声称英国将退出来自联盟,同时保留全面进入欧盟单一市场。他的表现是弱者迈克尔·戈(Michael Gove的Orstwhile Ally Justice Manceister Michael Gove队)通过表示Johnson无法领导党,只有他自己的候选人被Gove的不忠实所震惊的议员击败了他自己的候选人。

Leadsom is a staunch Brexit advocate, but she dropped out after getting hammered in the press for appearing to overstate her financial industry experience and for saying she would make a better prime minister than the childless May because she is a mother.

The Conservatives’ only saving grace was that the opposition Labour Party was in even greater disarray, after MPs staged a massive vote of no confidence in its left-wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

“我预计Brexit,但我并没有真正思考政治神道人,”Johnson和标准特许银行首席经济学家的前经济顾问Gerard Lyons表示,他为Brexit Camp提供了大部分经济理由。

这本身就是一句话。BREXIT可能有深刻和持久的经济影响,但它超出了所有政治决定。The idea that a vote to withdraw from the EU after 43 years — rending the very fabric of the U.K.’s political and economic relationships with the rest of the world — would have anything less than momentous consequences was one of the more glaring of the Brexiters’ miscalculations.


Yet aside from a 10 percent drop in the value of the pound, or actually because of it, the financial fallout was limited. On July 11 the FTSE 100 index closed more than 5 percent above its prereferendum level; U.K. blue chips generate most of their earnings overseas and stand to benefit from a weak pound. The domestically oriented FTSE 250 index was still down 3.6 percent. Most analysts expect a weaker pound to cushion any economic downturn. Morgan Stanley predicts a “shallow Brexit recession,” while Moody’s Investors Service cut its forecast for 2017 growth to 1.2 percent from 2.1 percent.


George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, scrapped his plan to balance the budget by 2020, and May was quick to endorse that fiscal easing. Osborne also met with top executives of six global investment banks and promised to work with them to maintain London’s status as an international financial center. And he went to New York to drum up investor interest — “selling Britain to the world,” as he put it.

Although some investment banks had warned of job cuts in the event of a Brexit vote, Lyons says the EU’s recently revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or MiFID II, will act as a “safety valve” for the City of London because it offers market access to third countries with regulatory regimes that are equivalent to the EU’s: “You do not have to be in the single market to sell into the single market.”


That leaves the heavy lifting to May, 59, a vicar’s daughter from a small town in Oxfordshire. She was of more modest means than many of her Tory rivals and attended public elementary and high schools, but May went on to study geography at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. There she was introduced to her husband, Philip May, now a London-based executive at Capital International, the overseas subsidiary of U.K. mutual fund manager Capital Group, by her college friend Benazir Bhutto, the future Pakistan prime minister. Elected to Parliament in 1997, she first drew attention on becoming Conservative chair in 2002, when she warned the group’s annual conference that they risked being perceived as “the nasty party.” As Home minister since 2010, she earned a reputation as a euroskeptic although she supported Remain, sotto voce, in the referendum. Notably, she sought to fulfill Cameron’s goal of reducing immigration — a key issue behind the Brexit vote — by more than two thirds, albeit with little success.

Immigration will play a central role in the U.K.’s exit negotiations with the EU. In her favor, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made clear that EU leaders, not the European Commission in Brussels, will do the negotiating. That will maximize the clout of Merkel, who favors a velvet divorce. But France and Belgium have vowed to block any deal offering the U.K. single market access unless it includes the free movement of people.

Squaring that circle will challenge May. Her opening gambit is to play for time, saying the U.K. should wait to invoke Article 50 of the EU treaty and begin withdrawal talks until 2017 so it can formulate its position. Even then, talks aren’t expected to start in earnest before late 2017, given that France and Germany hold national elections next year in May and September, respectively.


It was a remarkably ambitious speech that vowed to address not just Britain’s relationship with Europe but the economic inequality and insecurity that she believes contributed to the Brexit vote. May even promised to crack down on tax avoidance, executive pay and “corporate irresponsibility,” sounding at times almost like Corbyn or Bernie Sanders. “We don’t just believe in individualism but in society,” she said. “We don’t hate the state; we value the role that only the state can play.”


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