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The 2016 All-Asia Executive Team: The Region’s Best CEOs



The population of India — 1.3 billion — is so large that even breaking it down demographically yields staggeringly high numbers. Take the country’s semiurban and rural population, which totals a massive 751.2 million — more than double the number of residents of the United States.

印度最大的金融机构HDFC银行(HDFC Bank)首席执行官阿迪蒂亚•普里(Aditya Puri)表示,该行希望将尽可能多的农村居民转变为客户,目标是在未来三到五年内将其业务份额从大约15%提高到40%孟买总部机构。他坚持认为技术是成功的关键,许多市场观察人士认为他是对的。

2016年全亚洲高管团队的参与者称,普瑞是除日本以外亚洲银行业的最佳CEO,HDFC是最好的公司,亚博赞助欧冠’s annual ranking of the region’s most highly regarded CEOs, CFOs, investor relations professionals and IR companies. This year’s results reflect the opinions of 1,394 investment professionals at 582 financial institutions. Respondents from the buy side work at firms that collectively manage an estimated $963 billion in Asia ex-Japan equities.


People who live in semiurban and rural areas of India, Puri says, lack organized banking services. “They have the finance companies and they have the moneylenders, but they don’t have somebody that has the brand and the latest range of financial products,” he notes. Targeting these areas required HDFC to change its communications, marketing and operations because “the customer [base] is more widespread and connectivity is not as good as in urban India — which is bad enough as it is.”

Already, half of HDFC’s distribution network is outside India’s cities, and the growth rate in these regions is twice that of the expansion in urban areas. Puri, 65, says digital outreach has been the key to growth. “There’s a major logistical problem in semiurban and rural India in getting from one place to the other, being able to access the right prices, being able to have the information, having the totality of products,” he explains.


This accessibility is possible only because HDFC took the initiative to ramp up its technology over the past two years, after Puri traveled to California’s Silicon Valley in 2014 to see how banking would change in the wake of the movement from physical networks to information networks that place the customer at the center.

He and his team decided to “challenge ourselves and then become the fastest provider of loans, have a wallet that is just as convenient as Apple Pay and have a system where we could have mobile-to-mobile payments as well as deal with the smaller merchants like [Alibaba Group Holding’s] Alipay,” he attests. “Analytics is also very important, so I can offer you products that would suit your particular lifestyle and your position in society.”


博彩和住宿行业最高评级的首席执行官格兰特•鲍伊(Grant Bowie)表示,吸引服务水平低下的人也是米高梅中国控股公司(MGM China Holdings)的一个重要主题。澳门作为世界上最大的博彩中心,也是大中华区唯一合法赌博的地方,博彩业长期以来一直依赖于一种迎合高赌客的赌博制度。主要来自内地的贵宾,如果同意在澳门赌场逗留一段时间,可享受免费旅行和住宿等优惠。然而,该行业却受到了经济危机的影响中国政府的反腐败运动and a decelerating domestic economy, with revenue from this group plunging by roughly 25 percentage points over the past five years, to about 50 percent of the market.

As a result, casino operators have turned their attention to the mass market — people who are interested in activities such as dining out, shopping and attending shows, as well as gaming experiences. “That market is much, much bigger,” Bowie says. And it’s one that MGM China has been serving since long before the recent thinning of the junket herd. Today it accounts for approximately 80 percent of the company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization — up from 70 percent just a few years ago.





技术优势也是中国联通(香港)战略的关键,尤其是第四代网络。这家电信运营商一直在输给其更大的竞争对手中国移动。今年9月,王晓初在另一竞争对手中国电信(China Telecom Corp.)担任首席执行官后,出任中国联通(China Unicom)首席执行官。这位57岁的高管解释说,王晓初“调整了运营重点,将资源集中在4G上,以推动移动业务发展。”。这包括加快移动网络部署,向所有用户开放中国联通的4G网络,加快用户向4G的迁移。

同样有助于该公司及时推出4G的还有去年将电信铁塔转让给中国铁塔公司(China Tower Corp.)。中国铁塔公司是上述三家服务提供商组建的一家基础设施合资企业,允许它们共享铁塔并节省资本支出。

These efforts combined are already producing positive results. China Unicom — the Telecommunications sector’s top-ranked company — saw a net addition of 6.6 million mobile billing subscribers in the first three months of this year, compared with a net loss of 12.4 million in the same quarter last year, and mobile service revenue rose 9.3 percent quarter over quarter, to 36.2 billion yuan ($5.4 billion).

该行业的首席执行官王先生说,目标是随着市场的发展逐步扭转局面Internet of Things,cloud computing and Internet finance present opportunities for his company, the second-largest mobile carrier in China and fourth largest in the world, as measured by number of subscribers.


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