




“汤姆佩雷斯已经比以前的任何劳工部长更好,部分原因是他实际上倾听和妥协,”Joshua Gotbaum,智者学者在华盛顿的Brookings机构和联邦养老金福利前任主任Guaranty Corp., citing Perez’s skill at getting the fiduciary rule passed its second time around.

对金融部门的新规定施加到Gotbaum承认的Gotbaum宾至如归。鉴于克林顿与该行业的协会,任何副总统提名人都必须在采取工作前接受总统的意见。正如Gotbaum所观察到的那样,克林顿一直在为vp职位试镜,包括Perez,Massachusetts参议员伊丽莎白沃伦和俄亥俄州参议员Sherrod Brown。

来自多米尼加共和国的移民的儿子Perez,54,长期以来倡导服务欠缺的公民。The Buffalo, New York, native began working in government soon after earning a JD and a master’s in public policy from Harvard University in 1987. From his early days in Washington as a lawyer with the Department of Justice’s civil rights division to his role as assistant attorney general for civil rights before President Barack Obama named him to the cabinet in 2013, he has fought for immigrants and for fair lending, housing and wages.

佩雷斯最近加入了Campaign Trail的克林顿,仍被一些背道内部人员视为没有国家认可的卧铺候选人。但是,副总统被提名人往往是这种情况,他们往往比他们的跑步伴侣更低。在他们下点点之前,乔拜登和莎拉佩林有多了解?

When it comes to adding diversity to the Democratic ticket, Perez fits the bill by virtue of his age and ethnicity, says Ellen Moran, who served as White House communications director during Obama’s first term and is now general manager of public relations firm Hill+Knowlton Strategies’ Washington office. As a Latino and a strong civil rights defender with ties to the labor movement, Perez would generate excitement among some key voting blocs: Latino Democrats, African-Americans, union members and liberals from other walks of life.

“If Clinton would have a Latino [running mate], it would be a very good sign for the [Hispanic] community,” says Hector Sanchez, chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a consortium of 40 prominent Latino organizations that lobbied for Perez’s appointment as Labor secretary. The Washington-based NHLA is working to put Perez and several other Latino candidates for high-level positions in the next U.S. administration in front of the Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls.


其他人对劳务秘书更加直接。“他举例说明了美国的梦,”莱克斯顿的公共专员奥尔加·德彼得说,在莱克斯坦战略通信中代表了NHLA。佩雷斯将是完美的陪衬唐纳德·特朗普,Demetri Condents,特别是考虑到推定的共和党总统提名人的承诺在墨西哥和美国之间建造一堵墙。
