
DC Plan Risk, and How to Manage it



The defined contribution structure carries its own risks, however. A host of competing financial priorities, including high student and other debt burdens, child-rearing and providing home care for elderly family members, paired with a lack of financial literacy, have kept the saving rate stubbornly low; the opportunities and incentives that 401(k)s provide are only a partial counterbalance. For the plan sponsor, these low savings rates bring the risk that many employees will not be able to relinquish their jobs by the time they reach retirement age. Our recent survey of over 500 sponsors of 401(k) plans with assets of $50 million and above, in partnership with Prudential, found that although 61 percent say the overall health of their 401(k) plan is excellent, large groups judge their plan only fair to poor when it comes to:

  • Company match (42 percent),
  • Range of asset classes and categories offered (45 percent),
  • Quality of investments offered (42 percent),
  • 费用结构的竞争力(44%),
  • Expense ratio (47 percent) and
  • Financial education programs (45 percent).

Why do so many plan sponsors fall short of creating well-designed 401(k) plans? In a series of one-on-one interviews with plan sponsors and consultants, we identified five key areas of vulnerability that expose employers and employees to greater retirement plan risk.

不为计划提供资金:顾问说,一个大量的雇主比赛对于成功的401(k)计划至关重要 - 不仅是雇员参与和最大化他们的贡献的激励,而且因为它鼓励他们重视公司提供的福利,因此公司本身。然而,雇主比赛水平广泛变化,并且随着时间的推移并没有一致。许多计划赞助商在2008年级的金融衰退期间减少了比赛,只有慢慢恢复它,如果所有人都在展示顾问顾问集团公司的詹妮弗·弗罗迪丁,定义贡献实践领导者的速度

泄漏:钱,除401 (k)计划并不总是stay there. Leakage of assets can occur in three ways: through loans, in-service withdrawals and cash-outs when employees change jobs. The Employee Benefit Research Institute has estimated that for workers with at least 30 years of 401(k) eligibility, leakage reduces the probability of achieving an 80 percent real replacement rate, including 401(k) accumulations and Social Security benefits, by 8.8 percentage points for the lowest-income quartile and 7 percentage points for the highest.


Solving the wrong problems:Consultants agree that many plan sponsors spend too much time deliberating over their choices of investment options and too little considering whether the overall plan structure is appropriate for their employee demographic. “Participants are unique; therefore, plan sponsors need to consider all sources of net income when they're designing a plan,” says Mark Teborek, senior consulting analyst at Russell Investments. Determining the plan design structure inclusive of auto features and whether or not to offer a Roth 401(k) option are examples of decisions that need to be made thoughtfully, taking participant demographics into account, says Flodin. Similarly, education all too is not tailored to participants' level of financial literacy. “Consider an approach that talks about overall financial wellness instead of stale large-vs.-small-cap discussions,” she suggests.

Lack of resources:创建和维护一个-designed 401(k) plan takes money and time — which many smaller plans do not have. “Everybody is short-staffed right now,” Credico says, “and they don't necessarily have the time to make appropriate decisions.” Almost two thirds (62 percent) of plan sponsors we surveyed, along with 81 percent of respondents in an accompanying survey of consultants and advisors, agree that providing one-on-one advice on asset allocation and financial planning is very effective. “Ninety-five percent of my clients would love to have a financial wellness solution that includes one-on-one advice,” says Flodin. “But it's costly.” Another very effective practice is to focus on keeping plan fees and other costs low, say 61 percent of survey respondents and 69 percent of consultants. But obtaining better fees is easier for large plans. “At our size, we get good fees,” says Robert Hunkeler, vice president of investments at International Paper, which has $5 billion in 401(k) assets.

Reluctance to act:随着401(k)资产的快速增长,来自政府的更大审查。虽然2006年养恤金保护法案为自动注册和目标日期基金等重要特征提供了一个安全的港,但劳工部(DOL)正在加剧其参与。DOL最近提请注意401(k)投资顾问的新信托标准;去年,它颁发了关于使用经纪窗口和自我导向的经纪帐户的信息的请求。


Despite these risks automatic enrollment and auto-escalation, as well as greater data-crunching capability enabling recordkeepers to track participant behavior more closely, could make it easier for even small plans to work with participants and encourage them in the right direction. But nothing beats a substantial company match, Denu adds.


Auto Escalation:计划设计选项,允许计划赞助商每年增加参与者延迟,以增量增加。

风险:Investing involves risk. Some investments are riskier than others. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost, and it is possible to lose money. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Asset allocation and diversification do not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets.

The target date is the approximate date when investors plan to retire and may begin withdrawing their money. The asset allocation of the target date funds will become more conservative as the target date approaches by lessening the equity exposure and increasing the exposure in fixed income type investments. The principal value of an investment in a target date fund is not guaranteed at any time, including the target date. There is no guarantee that the fund will provide adequate retirement income. A target date fund should not be selected based solely on age or retirement date. Participants should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of any fund before investing. Funds are not guaranteed investments, and the stated asset allocation may be subject to change. It is possible to lose money by investing in securities, including losses near and following retirement.

