

深圳 - 香港股票联系计划的推出将使外国人在中国投资,但有些投资者是持怀疑态度的。


在20世纪80年代,Mobius,80岁的新兴市场股票上的众所周知,最近一直在为他认为的另一个机会做准备,他对小姐来说也太好了:一个深圳 - 香港的股票连接计划,允许他投资高-growth Chinese stocks — especially those in the technology sector — while bypassing China’s quotas and other restrictions on foreign investors.

“随着深圳 - 香港股票连接计划的推出,许多外国投资者可以投资中国,在该国每个地区都有巨大的机遇,”莫伊斯告诉亚博赞助欧冠在即将推出的计划中,与深圳证券交易所联系起来,提供1,400加上私营企业的池,被称为中国纳斯达克。“我们认为这可能是投资深圳技术股票的一个非常令人兴奋的机会,其中有许多未被发现和较小的中国技术企业。”

该联系允许香港和大陆的投资者在香港和深圳交易所上市的贸易股票,绕过许多跨境投资限制,政府对外国和中国投资者施加。贸易计划,预计将通过圣诞节启动,遵循推出2014年11月香港 - 上海股市。香港与深圳交易所之间的融合是北京最新的金融改革倡议,分析师认为 - 如果成功 - 将鼓励更多全球资产管理者使中国大陆上市的股票成为其国际投资组合拨款的重要组合。(许多经理目前主要通过香港上市的中国公司投资,通过特殊配额和合格的外国机构投资者许可证有限地接触内地股票,使他们通过国内中国基金经理或经纪人购买。)亚博赞助欧冠

深圳 - 香港股票连接仍将拥有130亿元人民币(119.4亿美元)的日常配额,但监管机构决定举起所有北非投资者3000亿元限制的所有总配额,南行的2500亿元限制投资者。随着今年年底推出的第二个连接计划,投资中国股市变得更加容易,因为所有投资者 - 大,小,国内和外国都将能够投资大量上市的近3000家公司大陆交易所,只要他们在香港,上海或深圳就经纪人交易账户。

“The recent approval of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program facilitates foreign and domestic trading between China’s local market and Hong Kong — and to global investors like Franklin Templeton, this means China’s A-share market is further opened up,” says Mobius, who manages $22 billion at the Emerging Market Group. Mobius also says Shenzhen offers more private companies than Shanghai, which is dominated by state-owned firms. Mobius further notes that he believes China’s stock markets, commonly referred to as the domestic A-share market, will benefit from higher participation from foreign investors, especially institutional investors. “It is a positive development as global investors may potentially provide greater breadth in the near term and, longer term, can help drive the push for better corporate governance, a better regulatory framework and stricter enforcement.”


基于芝加哥的韦恩鲍德北方信托资产管理需要更加谨慎的观点。The London-based chief investment officer for Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific says he will look at how the program operates before he commits to expanding beyond his current allocation to Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. “Although we do not make specific comments on future investment allocations, we generally expect that the new channel will open up additional opportunities for future allocations,” Bowers says. “While access is a key component of a decision to invest in a new market, investors may also look for the market to function efficiently and transparently before having the confidence to make a meaningful allocation to mainland equities.”


“增长机会 - 民营企业和新经济 - 深圳比上海大4倍,”悉尼麦古地证券的香港研究负责人Erwin Sanft说。“但估值越来越高,市场比较波动。”Still, Sanft says, there are dozens of equities worth investing in, among them the shares of GoerTek Inc., one of China’s leading acoustic components companies that has been expanding into virtual reality software development, and Shenzhen Rapoo Technology Co., a wireless electronics component manufacturer that has been expanding into industrial drones and robotics.

Besides giving global investors more options, the new connect is a technological innovation that unifies China’s three equity exchanges, says Francis Cheung, the head of strategy for Hong Kong and China at CLSA, a Hong Kong–based securities firm that is a subsidiary of Beijing-based CITIC Securities. “It is seamless to investors no matter which exchange the stock is listed in,” says Cheung. The three exchanges have a combined market cap of more than $10 trillion, making China the second-largest equity market in the world, behind only the U.S.

新联合也加强了中国赢得纳入的机会MSCI的新兴市场索引帕特里克何帕特里克何帕特里克浩(Sydney)资产管理经理AMP Capital表示。“预计中国股票公司预测,中国股份期间预计将在深圳联合实施后六个月将是六个月,一旦MSCI决定在其指数分配中包括A股,将在中国股票中的全球投资者中的中国A股升值。

Mobius表示,这肯定会是好消息,并表示他对中国的经济持乐观态度 - 特别是其互联网和技术领域,尽管全球对国家经济增长的可持续性上升。

“在我们看来,中国的基本面仍然看起来非常好,”莫伊斯说。“The country remains one of the fastest-growing economies in the world despite a decelerated growth rate from decades past, and we remain confident in the government’s efforts to effect a broad economic rebalancing away from an export-driven model and toward one that is more domestic-oriented.”
