
Lazard的Alexander Hecker完成了轰动一时的啤酒合并

Hecker, who advised AB InBev on its $105 billion takeover of SABMiller, sees more cross-border mergers ahead despite regulatory pushback.

亚历山大赫克(Alexander Hecker)纽约办公室的交易纪念品中,有一把吉布森•莱斯•保罗(Gibson Les Paul)吉他。对于投资银行Lazard消费者和零售业务联席主管Hecker来说,这一工具并没有让他从交易压力中得到多少喘息的机会。“事实上,我没有时间玩它,”他承认,并补充说,它需要修复。


In late July, AB InBev raised its offer after the pound’s dive in the wake of the Brexit decision threatened to derail the merger. Having won shareholder approval and clearance from regulators, the revised deal closed on October 11, creating the world’s No. 1 brewer.





On the AB InBev–SABMiller deal, Hecker worked with Lazard chairman and CEO Kenneth Jacobs and U.K. head William Rucker to mobilize Lazard’s expertise across the world, including a Paris-based team covering Africa. The merger hinged on AB InBev winning over SABMiller’s two biggest shareholders — U.S.-based Altria Group and Colombia’s Santo Domingo family — by giving them a cash-and-share alternative to the all-cash offer for other investors.

“Alex has an exceptional ability to navigate through the largest and most complex transactions, which is one of the principal reasons he shows up on so many of the major transactions in the consumer and retail space,” says attorney Scott Barshay, a partner at law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison who worked with Hecker on the deal.


Then–managing director Antonio Weiss, who went on to lead the firm’s global M&A business before becoming an adviser to the U.S. Treasury Department last year, came to Frankfurt and asked Hecker to work on a pitch to Belgium’s Interbrew, a highly acquisitive brewer that was looking to become a global force. Soon Hecker was working on the team that helped Interbrew acquire Germany’s Brauerei Beck & Co., a deal that not only kick-started his career but turned into one of Lazard’s longest and most fruitful relationships.


尽管2009年全球金融危机后,并购市场大幅下挫,但赫克仍忙于处理安海斯-布希与英博合并后的8宗独立交易。2010年,他为亿万富翁豪尔赫•保罗•莱曼(Jorge Paulo Lemann)创立的巴西私募股权公司3G资本(3G Capital)提供咨询,后者曾是安贝夫最大的单一股东,负责以40亿美元对汉堡王控股(Burger King Holdings)进行私有化。三年后,赫克为该公司以235亿美元收购美国食品巨头亨氏公司(H.J.Heinz Co.)提供咨询,这是该公司有史以来在消费领域最大的一次收购。“我的客户是我见过的最好的投资银行家之一,”他说。“他们正好也卖啤酒和汉堡包。”

Despite growing regulatory scrutiny and the challenges posed by Brexit, Hecker remains bullish on M&A. “As uncertainty in Europe and developing countries begins to be resolved over the next year or so, cross-border activity should continue to increase,” he says. “I expect to see well-managed segment leaders continue to support their equity story through M&A to further distinguish or transform themselves.”
