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The 2017 All-America Executive Team: CEOs Go Long on Value

To reward investors, the chief executives hailed in 2017 All-America Executive Team, our exclusive annual ranking of U.S. corporate leaders look beyond short-term results.

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When a company makes a strong showing in the financial markets, chances are that it’s the result of a decision made several years ago, not one based on last quarter’s numbers. The best executive teams in some of the bedrock U.S. industries understand this dynamic, and they excel at helping investors grasp it too. We spoke with several of the top CEOs on亚博赞助欧冠’s 2017 All-America Executive Team to learn how they think about shareholder value.

联合太平洋公司成立于1862年,是美国最古老的公司之一;在少数几个具有从海岸到海岸延伸的网络的铁路运营商中,它还发出了铁路系统的健康。在无人驾驶长途汽车的新世界,无人机交付和Hyperloop,Lance Fritz作为联盟太平洋主席和首席执行官的角色可能看起来像一个过去时代的回归。但是,在2016年的前三季度,该公司通过股息和股票回购,弗里兹告诉股票返回股东约36亿美元返回股东亚博赞助欧冠.




Mittelstaedt’s long tenure keeps him philosophical about reactionary markets and finicky shareholders. “Value creation doesn’t generally happen by accident; it’s something you have to be purposeful about over five, ten, 15, 20 years,” he says. “You have to ingrain it in the culture of the company.”

For Mittelstaedt, building shareholder value centers on knowing when to listen to markets and when not to. In his view, the problem for some companies is that “you have to look at your overall strategy and determine whether it is a strong long-term strategy and whether you have the fortitude to stand by it for several years into the future, even if your peers are changing their strategies all the time,” he explains.

管理者只关注short-term pops in performance can lose control of their playbook, Mittelstaedt adds. “Companies get too focused on letting the market and investors pick the strategy,” he says. “That’s a function of not being proactive in terms of deciding on the best direction for your company and communicating that to investors effectively. You have to know your business and show your work so performance expectations are aligned across the stakeholders.”


Union Pacific’s Fritz and Waste Connections’ Mittelstaedt get at the core of how executive teams rise to the top of the ranking: They play the long game, and they aren’t afraid to be transparent about it.

“Business cycles don’t change month to month,” says Ronald Epstein, a managing director and senior analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch who covers aerospace and defense. Lockheed Martin Corp., the Most Honored Company in that category, laid the groundwork for its leading position eight years ago by creating a share buyback and dividend strategy that its peers now copy.

Those benefits to shareholders provide yield during what might be sleepy business cycles. “When you think about the sector, the cycles are decades long,” Epstein notes. “The 737 was developed in the 1960s.” To plan for profitability and investment performance over the long haul, Epstein says, aerospace companies must complement shareholder perks such as buybacks and dividends with growth opportunities like making new parts to keep their aircraft maintained.


“It’s important to be able to tell investors your story but also to execute on that story,” saysDavid Cote, CEO of industrial conglomerate Honeywell International, the winning chief executive in the Electrical Equipment & Multi-Industry category. Building a future for the company means taking the time to get new products right, but shareholders also want consistent performance.


The Most Honored Companies will be honored at anawards dinner, taking place on March 7, 2017, at the Mandarin Oriental in New York.

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