

基于Trump Trust的货币管理人员现在必须在日常通勤时运行抗议者,安全封锁,新闻坑和无尽流量。

11月早上在MSNBC的早晨早上乔那New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill and host Joe Scarborough (an ex-congressman) were discussing a surprising outcome of Donald Trump’s election on city life: traffic.

周围的情况Trump Tower- 在第五大道和第57条街的曼哈顿的中心是“极度挑战”,专员说。繁重的卡车限制使交付近乎不可能。关闭整个串行块。第五大道的至少一条车道 - 世界上最繁忙的大都市中的一个主要动脉 - 被占据了总统选举塔的入口处的安全外围,坐在富裕的崇拜阁楼。“五十七年可能是纽约市最慢的街道,”奥尼尔承认,但对弹性曼哈顿行人表示表示关注。“如果第五大道太拥挤,他们将走下六或麦迪逊。”

专注于专员-可以理解的massive daily protests (slogans included “Not MY President,” “This Pussy Grabs Back,” “Can’t Build a Wall, Hands Too Small”) — overlooked those people who simply couldn’t avoid the Trump zone. Tiffany & Co. and Starbucks reside beside and within Trump Tower, respectively, and employees still had to show up for work. Pumpkin spice lattes and $60,000 engagement rings don’t sell themselves. Scantily clad young workers of Abercrombie & Fitch began greeting guests across the street at 10:00 a.m. sharp.

一下,收入支架从此带来的不便之处不提供。资产管理员工因选举总统的住房而受到影响情况- 曼哈顿或世界的几条街道,就像有钱经理一样作为“纽约市最慢的街道”。

如果一个人站在特朗普大厦的入口处的金刻字下,请掉落一个别针Google Maps并且搜索“资产管理”,一个人会发现数百亿美元,如果不是数量,则在资产中通过该一个块半径流动。北方是金牛座资产管理和松江资本管理。到其南部,Corsair资本和假期管理。穿过公路,Pinnacle资产管理。在拐角处,9世纪57世纪,是一个金矿。Solow Building拥有更多纽约的任何其他单一结构的大型投资公司:KKR,Apollo全球管理,银湖合作伙伴,老虎全球管理和Och-Ziff Capital Management在一个疲惫的情况下,如果不是详尽无遗,租户名单。他们唯一的运气中的脑卒中是投资者往往没有橱窗固定收入产品的橱窗。


If Trump sympathized with his local asset managers and baristas, he remained uncharacteristically silent on the subject. He did express strong, if bipolar, views on the vast protests taking place 58 stories below his perch. At 10:19 p.m. on November 10, Trump — via in-house policy organ Twitter — opined, “Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!” By the next morning he’d changed his mind, or had someone change it for him. “Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!” he wrote. The protesters, professional or otherwise, did the same as the asset managers: They carried on.

Half a world away, a clever variation on this strategy was in use. Days after his flip-flop on the merits of picketing his building, Trump turned his online enthusiasm toward the Chinese. “Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don’t think so!” he wrote on December 4. The Chinese had registered muted complaint when Trump broke with 35 years of government policy and accepted a call from the president of Taiwan following his victory, but in response to his Twitter bait they did nothing. Regional commentators, polled during an early December visit to the area, believed that Trump’s rhetorical flourishes masked an inability to accomplish much globally. He was, they said, like a rich drunk uncle at Christmas: all fire and outrage, until he falls asleep on the couch and change falls out of his pockets. Then take his dessert.

