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Some doubt that Nobuteru Ishihara, son of a famed right-wing politician, possesses the skills to help steer his country to recovery.

Nobuteru Ishihara has always lived in the shadow of his famous father, archconservative fellow politician Shintaro Ishihara. But those days may be over for Japan’s new Economy minister.

随着日本的成长停滞不前,较年轻的Ishihara面临着作为继任者的艰难测试Akira Amari, former chief steward of the Abenomics program. When Amari resigned in late January amid bribery allegations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe swiftly appointed Ishihara, 58, whose duties include negotiating with the U.S. on finalizing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. Ishihara previously held other cabinet posts and had been secretary general of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party since 2010.

肯尼斯·帕特里斯(Goldman Sachs Asia)前副主席怀疑他是他取决于任务。“北京市东京州前州长的儿子,Ishihara既不重量也没有Amari的体验,也不是任何既有经济的经济资历,”议案,董事会,董事会,一名开曼群岛注册公司与办公室在伦敦,纽约和东京。

But Ishihara’s family name carries plenty of weight in Japan, where right-wingers who long for the country to return to its imperialist past still dominate the political arena — and regard him as ideological heir apparent to his dad. “Though Ishihara does not have the economic or financial experience, he does have the political backing of the right,” says a Japanese investment banker who asked not to be identified.


Ishihara grew up in the outskirts of Tokyo, in Zushi, a picturesque seaside resort town where his father rose to national prominence as an author and politician advocating Japanese resistance to U.S. hegemony. The elder Ishihara, who served as Tokyo governor from 1999 to 2012, penned more than 40 books; among his writings is “The Japan That Can Say No: Why Japan Will Be First Among Equals,” a 1989 political treatise co-authored with ex–Sony Corp. chair Akio Morita that urged the country to stand up to America and eschew U.S. business practices.

After earning a BA in literature from Keio University, Ishihara spent most of the 1980s as a political reporter for Nippon Television Network Corp., where his purview included the Finance and Foreign ministries and the prime minister’s office. In 1990 he won a seat in the lower house of the National Diet, Japan’s legislature; in 2001 then–prime minister Junichiro Koizumi named him minister of State for Administrative and Regulatory Reform.

Ishihara also briefly served as minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport before he made his first bid for the LDP presidency in 2008, finishing fourth in a race won by Taro Aso, who later became prime minister for one year. Now Abe’s deputy PM and Finance minister, Aso is a chief proponent of Abenomics.

The program, whose so-called three arrows are quantitative easing, fiscal stimulus and structural reforms, has failed to revive the Japanese economy, which contracted by 0.4 percent year-over-year in the last quarter of 2015. With the Bank of Japan having launched what Starfort’s Courtis describes as a “sneak attack” on short-sellers of the yen and domestic equities with its recent move to negative interest rates, andgovernor Haruhiko KurodaCourtis说,指导中央银行可以进一步进一步进入负面领土,日本现在已经“别无选择,别无意地提供了有意义的经济改革”。他认为,这项任务将是困难的,特别是与Ishihara一起描述为经济学“轻量级”,处理文件。

“Until now, Abenomics has been very little more than a marketing slogan,” Courtis says, noting that real per-capita income for salaried workers has dropped 6.2 percent since Abe took power in 2012. Stemming Japan’s economic decline calls for powerful measures to boost domestic demand, such as abandoning sales tax hikes, he argues. “It is not as if Ishihara does not have his work cut out for him.”

Follow Allen Cheng on Twitter at@acheng87.