


投资者从一个周末返回,其中民粹主义政治运动和恐怖袭击主导了头条新闻。Announcements following meetings from the Bank of Japan tomorrow and the Federal Reserve on Wednesday, not to mention commentary by China’s top banker last Saturday (see below) and the European Central Bank’s easing last week, brings central bank monetary policy to the forefront of market narratives. With increasingly divergent growth signals between the U.S. and other developed economies, many analysts are anticipating depening policy divergence to shape the global market equilibrium.

周淡化的担忧随着中国数据缩短。Retail sales and factory output data released over the weekend by China’s National Bureau of Statistic fell short of consensus analyst forecasts. Retail sales rose 10.2 percent year-over-year versus expectations for a 10.8 percent expansion, following 11.1 percent in January. Separately, factory output grew 5.4 percent versus the same month last year. During a press conference in conjunction with the national legislature meeting in Beijing on Saturday, People’s Bank of China Governor周小川驳回了令人担忧的刺激将需要过度刺激以满足增长目标,重申灵活和可调的货币政策可以做这项工作。周末数据中的一个亮点比1月份的城市固定投资人物更强大。

难民危机在德国选举中默克尔。基督教民主联盟,政党德国总理安吉拉默克尔在周末在三个州的区域立法选举中预期,在包括党最糟糕的第二次世界大战中,在巴登 - 武律堡州举行的派对上最糟糕的第二次战后的差。德国党的民粹主义者,反移民替代方案最佳展示,赢得了萨克森 - 安哈尔特的大众投票的20%。

New bid emerges for Starwood.斯塔伍德酒店及度假村的管理层周一宣布,斯坦福州康涅狄格州的酒店公司已收到每股未经请求的投标76美元。由中国企业安邦保险集团领导的拟议收购,将最后一分钟的猴子扳手投入到122亿美元购买的120亿美元上,该公司已经在这两家公司获得了董事会批准。

数百万人加入巴西抗议活动。The total number of people who joined street protests in Brazilian cities, including Sao Paulo, over the weekend exceeded three million by some estimates, setting records for scale, as voters expressed frustration over the ongoing Petrobras scandal. The political landscape in South America’s largest economy is facing extraordinary upheaval with President Dilma Rousseff facing possible impeachment and the recent arrest of former PresidentLuizInácioLulada Silva在国家的政治和商业区铸造阴影。


