面对各种全球经济问题,包括商品价格下跌,a中国放缓和全球经济衰退的可能性,20个国家集团于周六在上海结束了在上海令人失望的令人难以置信的会议。该集团为世界各地政府提供了模糊的修辞和良好的鼓励,以实施结构改革,以刺激增长,因为中央银行达到货币政策的极限。对于投资者来说,希望衡量全球合作的刺激措施,可能会在正在进行的全球货币战争中防止更多的战斗,这几乎没有促进救援。避免“乞丐 - 邻居”贬值的承诺从G-20最后一次会议上的声明中反映了语言。
中国削减了储备比率。在星期一发布的声明中中国人民银行announced that the reserve ratio for banks (RRR) will be reduced by 0.5 percent effective March 1. Despite the cut, which will put the RRR at 17 percent, China’s capital reserve requirements for major banks is significantly higher than those in most of the developed world. The action follows quickly on the heels of comments by PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan at the G20 meeting in which he indicated a willingness to take further easing measures. According to Jefferies strategist Sean Darby, the move may have been necessitated by concerns over capital outflows “The recent jump in outstanding credit would need to be financed using more deposits, given the huge surge in lending,” he wrote in a note to clients on Monday, adding that “the RRR allows the central bank room to provide the commercial banks the funding they require to support the credit demand.” The announcement came after markets closed on a down note, with the Shanghai Composite Index dropping by nearly 5 percent for the day, bringing the total year-to-date decline to 24 percent.
欧元区的通货膨胀摊位。欧洲统计局今天发布的共同货币区的消费者价格指数水平证实,2月份通胀的步伐削弱了,标题价格下跌0.2% - 一年中最低的读数 - 虽然不包括挥发物品的核心水平上升了贫血0.7%。这两项措施都缺乏经济学家的共识预测。随着欧洲中央银行的3月货币政策声明现在不到两周的距离欧洲央行欧洲央行总统马里奥·德拉赫(Mario Draghi)的压力持续下去,以便对抗通货紧缩的规定并采取进一步的宽松行动。