

日元因负利率预期下跌;华尔街奖金面临威胁;新的排放披露;巴登-Württemberg的Karl Haeling关于中央银行政策。

今早汇市的活跃表明,许多投资者预计发达经济体央行将进一步干预。在美国东部时间上午6点之前,日元兑美元下跌了近1%。日本央行(bankofjapan)将进一步降息至关键存款基准利率为负值的区间,并转向负贷款成本的预期已开始升温。在周四的一次采访中,前日本央行副行长岩田康正(Kazumasa Iwata)表示,随着央行试图提振通胀,利率最终可能降至负1%。紧随着瑞典央行(Riksbank)宣布,该国利率仍将为负值,宽松政策将延长,以及欧洲央行(ecb)对主要银行存款收取利息的计划,负利率实验似乎可能继续波及全球市场的所有资产类别。

华尔街奖金池面临新的限制。Yesterday the National Credit Union Administration was the first federal financial regulator to consider proposed rules designed to fulfill a portion of the2010年多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案by restricting compensation packages of top Wall Street executives. The draft rules, which the NCUA released, would hold back a large portion of cash bonus payments for up to four years, subject to a clawback if the employee was later deemed to have taken inappropriate risk. The rules would take into consideration both the employee’s role as well as the size of the firm and its importance to financial market stability. Six regulators, including the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., must approve the proposal before it can be released to the industry for public comment.


Singapore regulators crack down.今天,新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)在一项内幕交易调查中删除了多家证券经纪公司的文件和数据。这一举措出台之际,该市政府的监管机构近几个月来已加紧努力,以提高投资者对市场的信心。另外,新加坡总检察长指控前BSI私人银行家杨家伟参与洗钱调查,这是对马来西亚主权财富基金扩大调查的一部分1马来西亚发展.

中国短期货币市场利率飙升。在中国对短期贷款基准利率d multimonth highs as the week concluded with the seven-day repurchase rate rising by more than 15 basis points after the People’s Bank of China added an additional $680 billion into the system through a reverse repo auction. The liquidity measures come as money markets tighten as corporate taxes come due.

文件夹Perspective: Policy remains Supportive for Markets, but Expect Bumps Ahead卡尔·海林,Landesbank Baden-Württemberg





There is a better, but less clear chance, of the Bank of Japan trying new policies next week given the strength of the yen. The Bank of Japan could opt for even more negative rates but this could easily backfire again as Japanese loan markets are struggling to adapt to the current yield structure. There has been some talk that the Bank of Japan could increase its quantitative-easing purchases of exchange-traded funds in an attempt to trigger an equity rally and associated capital inflows.

Given the increasingly mixed nature of the influence of monetary policy for investors, look for the markets to rely more on their respective individual supply-and-demand dynamics for direction. Currently most markets have overbought, or nearly overbought, readings in terms of short-term trading sentiment but underweighted positions among longer-term investors, particularly in equities. The longer that central-bank policies remain dovish, they should maintain a supportive foundation for risk markets and bonds. But uneven price patterns and sudden shifts in psychology should also become more common.

Karl Haeling是Landesbank Baden-Württembergin New York.