
Another Greek Deadline Looms, but Perhaps With a Silver Lining



Last year the艾泽西州艾泽西省锡帕斯省政府与所谓的三驾驶驾驶 - 欧洲委员会,欧洲中央银行和国际货币基金组织的展望结婚术 - 其信贷使国家浮现在其上。他的硬球战术包括在欧洲联盟同意新的860亿欧元(970亿美元)救助之前,从国际货币基金组织贷款释放违约。经济在2014年开始暂定复苏,恢复了经济衰退。

今年救助资金已经搁置了蒙特hs because of Athens’s failure to deliver promised economic reforms, putting the government at risk of defaulting on €3.5 billion in payments due in July to the IMF and the ECB. A standoff between the IMF, which believes Greece needs debt relief and less austerity in the short term to recover, and Germany, which has taken a harder line, hasn’t helped matters. Yet there are hints of progress. On May 9, Tsipras and his minister of Finance, Euclid Tsakalotos, persuaded parliament to enact pension cutbacks and an increase in the solidarity tax to boost the primary budget surplus (before interest payments) to 3.5 percent of gross domestic product, a target set by the Eurogroup of Finance ministers. That same day Finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble gave the first indication that Germany would support debt relief.

一些经济学家和投资者看到了恢复的道路 - 如果每个人都能找到一种方法进入并落后于触底经济。

一个开始康复的地方是银行。“银行是银行不可行的,”爱荷华州的莫尔·雷诺(IOWA)迈克雷纳斯迈克雷奥诺表示,在卢比投资的新兴市场资金中为2.45亿美元。3月底,私营部门贷款同比下降5%,非金融公司的贷款下降了7.5%。Reynal正在仔细观察,看看专业 - 阿尔法银行,欧洲央行,希腊国家银行和比雷埃夫斯银行 - 开始延长更多的信用。“贷款是使经济举动的贷款,”他说。

Fabio Balboni, European economist at HSBC Holdings in London, agrees that banks hold the key to growth. “If you can get the banks in a position again to lend to the economy, you could be in a better place six months from now,” he says. Balboni doesn’t expect a dramatic turnaround, but even modest quarterly growth rates would reduce unemployment and encourage spending.

第一季度经济萎缩0.4%,略高于预期,这可能会在下半年进行恢复增长。失业率下降,接近24% - 自2012年以来的最低水平 - 但欧盟平均水平的速度仍然是多倍的。




