
Daily Agenda: Strong U.S. Jobs Report Puts Fed on Tightrope


美国劳工处宣布1月份创建了151,000项新工作岗位,使失业率为4.9%。虽然整体经济增长一直是缓慢的沸腾 - 只要在中西部的能源相关部门和工业口袋之外就会询问华尔街,从许多商业领域的有利位置,这是所有系统都会去。这将美联储置于政策难民局副警察中,以缩小并让经济乘坐巡航控制。虽然日本银行领导人的惊喜举动到负率环境有助于将美国的美元指数公寓保持在本周,但最近几天,在国外的增长和放气越来越担心。作为一周的结论,投资者似乎预期通货紧缩和缓慢增长将延长全球央行人民可预见的未来。

BNP宣布重大变化。法国最大的银行,BNP Paribas那today announced a 52 percent year-over-year decline in earnings for the final quarter of 2015. Including writedowns, total revenues registered at under $750 million, well below consensus analyst estimates. Bank management announced cost-cutting measures and a shift towards less risky fee-based business lines.

钢铁制造商出售股票以弥补债务。今天媒体报道表明了arcelormittal.可能会提供超过30亿美元的股票吗the Luxembourg–based steelmaker attempts to shore up its capital base in the face of weak global demand and intense competition from Chinese rivals. The company, which booked losses nearing $8 billion in full-year 2015, currently faces $15 billion in debt repayments before 2022.


BlueCrest said to be subject of probe by regulators.彭博今日报道,证券交易委员会已开启了对纽约的一项调查Bluecrest Capital Management.,对冲基金公司由Michael Platt控制。该报告基于未命名的来源,表明该举措是初步调查涉及管理合作资金的内部基金的潜在利益冲突。

Hong Kong booksellers facing charges.Three bookstore owners were confirmed today to be under custody after their disappearance in October. The three sold books satirizing Chinese leaders. Two of the three accused hold European passports. The case has become a focus of protest in semiautonomous Hong Kong.

Warthog to stay.A-10霹雳,被美国地面势力的“Warthog”称为“Warthog”,在明年退役飞机的有争议的举措之后得到了缓刑。Secretary of Defense Ash Carter confirmed yesterday that the plane will remain in active service until 2022. Slow, highly maneuverable and massively armed, the A-10 has been the backbone of close air support in recent U.S. military conflicts and leaders within the Army and Marines, as well as members of the House and Senate, most notably Senator John McCain, had accused Department of Defense officials of rushing to retire the aircraft in favor of the controversial F-35, which has been plagued by performance issues and budget overages.

文件夹Perspective: ECB Watch: More Easing in March-Philippe Gudin, Barclays

我们希望欧洲央行与额外的货币宽松争取最糟糕的通胀前景:3月份的10个基点Depo率,随后在今年晚些时候,可能早在6月份,这将带来DEPO率至-50 bp。


Philippe Gudin是首席欧洲经济学家巴克莱in Paris.