


Steven Spielberg的2002年快戏,少数派报告,各个宇宙的猜测周围的命运和预定。汤姆克鲁斯扮演警察首席约翰·安德顿,他监督一个名为Predrime的部门,这些部门使用叫做Provogs的Precime来预测 - 以寒冷的准确性 - 谁将在实际发生之前犯罪。当他收到一份报告时,他会谋杀某人的报告时的一切都会改变:Provog系统的裂缝出现,因为Anderton逐步追逐并追踪他根本不会杀死任何人。

我们现在住在Anderton的Dystopian时刻。今天在每个部门的公司,从金融到教育,正在使用一系列叫做技术predictive analytics:机器学习,大数据和相关形式的数据分析使我们能够了解更多关于未来的信息 - 或者更准确地说,某些未来结果的概率也是如此。但故事并没有结束那里。正如最近报道的那样,洛杉矶县推出了一项试点计划“analyzing data about a child’s family, arrests, drug use, academic success, and abuse history” to determine which children were more likely to commit crimes. Although the program ended in 2014, PreCrime chief Anderton would be impressed.

关于预测分析的法律用法已经出现了问题。特别是在依赖推定的纯粹的司法系统中,在他们有罪之前没有人可以被捕。但是,无论他们建议还有什么 - 也许甚至因为他们对我们所有人的不断变化的世界都非常重要 - 这些发展意味着聪明的投资者应该观看制造和使用任何类型预测分析的公司。


In the first category — let’s call them the gatherers — we find just about every app for mobile, every consumer touchpoint that can be equipped with a computer or a sensor. The most obtrusive examples are Facebook, whose$5 billion–plus fourth-quarter earningsmade news inside and outside of tech, and Twitter, though the latter companyhas been reported今年绊倒。收集者从销售数据的利润到营销研究公司和保险公司 - 或者从这些数据的二级销售,因为基于地点,人口,政治情绪等广告空间完全瞄准。

在第二类 - 储存器 - 是纽约等的提供者MongoDB.,它提供了灵活的解决方案,用于实时管理和访问大数据。在第三类 - 分析仪 - 与社会服务和金融技术一样多样化。消费者也将最终利用预测分析,可能通过技术运动,例如量化的自我,这有助于推荐基于感知模式的饮食和运动。

The ramifications of the technological and societal shift promised by predictive analysis could open up opportunities almost anywhere, though the process might be fruitfully illustrated by pointing to a specific example. We might take the Boulder, Colorado–based start-up not coincidentally known asPrecog。在销售之前,Provog建立了一个编程环境,用于对大数据的显着简单分析,包括预测目的,并允许涉及机器学习和情感分析的各种形式的预测分析的快速实时组合。

In 2013 Precog was acquired by a San Francisco–based company calledRichrelevance.那which uses its data analysis engine to drive personalized experiences. As retailers go head to head over a dwindling number of in-store customers, those that excel at presenting the right products and experiences — tailored to each client — might have the best chance at retaining and deriving more lifetime value from each of those customers.


经过examining business-to-business connections involving predictive analysis, sharp-eyed observers might spot new opportunities. All along the way — from the data that organizations collect themselves or buy from other companies to the tools they use to understand those data — there are access points to a more and more exciting sector.

There are, too, those questions about what to do when we can predict what people will do much better than they can. It’s worth remembering that the precogs in少数派报告是人,和粘性的人在一个粘性池中启动。但由于机器在思考方面变得更好 - 在实现电影中看到的结果时,我们需要考虑我们希望他们能够做到的事情。这就是投资的所作所为。这是我们用来制作我们想要的未来的工具。