
A Cautiously Optimistic Take on the Global Economy

The state of the U.S. economy is not as bad as was thought a few months ago, though it’s not smooth sailing either.


考虑到这一背景,我们在J.P. Morgan资产管理中,我们认为,我们认为经济将继续缓慢而积极地增长,并且彻底的经济衰退仍然不太可能。最近关于美国制造业经济衰退的担忧,因此由于石油价格暴跌和新兴市场的逆转而言,这一后造成更多的担忧比在全球经济上的独立拖累来源。


Prior monetary policy action from the world’s central banks borrowed returns from the future, but that future is now here. We dispute the idea that policymakers have run out of ammunition. We do acknowledge, however, that loose monetary policy is — at best — a stabilizer, not an accelerant. It will now fall to other factors — notably,财政政策那consumption and corporate investment — to generate an incremental growth impulse.


我们已经采用了一致的股票与债券的巨大立场,宁愿通过股权持有股权high-yield credit,并保持了我们对发达的市场 - 欧洲和美国的偏好 - 特别是新兴市场。尽管产量低,我们还将持续时间视为投资组合的重要组成部分。


我们期望股票仍然深陷tradin广阔g range, likely restricted to the upside by last year’s highs and to the downside by this year’s lows. So whereas we anticipate that developed-markets equities will ultimately deliver positive returns in 2016, those returns are not likely to climb past the mid–single digits in terms of percentages. This calculus is at the heart of our decision to reduce our stock-bond view to neutral, in favor of taking equitylike risk through credit.

随着差价仍然升高,扩展信贷的多元化投资组合是一种有吸引力的股票替代品 - 我们看到美国最多的股票最多。我们有利于普遍存在的宏观状况,优先于高产。资产类足够稳定,以避免损坏资产负债表,这是信贷的尾风,但不够强大地促进企业收入陈述,这可能是股票的逆风。另一个原因高收益是有吸引力的,因为美国高产信贷具有价格过高的经济衰退风险,并因此从股权上脱臼。


As was the case at the start of the year, the trajectory of the U.S. dollar remains a key consideration to our asset allocation outcome. There is some scope for a little residual strength, but we see the dollar gradually starting to consolidate, as the market prices in theFederal Reserve’s glacial timeline of hikes。如果全球增长更加稳定,全球增长均匀巩固,这将发出增加风险偏好和更好的新兴市场前景。但如果美元由于溅射美国的增长,美元逐渐恶化,则展望将为风险资产变暗。


约翰比尔顿is head of global multiasset strategy atJ.P.摩根资产管理在伦敦。

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