
Severin Brizay寻求重建瑞银的欧洲M.&A Franchise

The French banker has overseen the Swiss firm’s participation in three of the top five deals announced in Europe this year.

Severin Brizay likes a challenge. The head of mergers and acquisitions for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at UBS recently ran a half marathon in North Korea because he was fascinated by the country and wanted to visit; next month he will compete in the annual international triathlon in Deauville, a town in the Normandy region of his native France.

Brizay还通过离开JPMORGAN Chase&Co.,在2014年在2014年在近15年后担任董事总经理,以恢复瑞银在EMEA的博物馆的营业。瑞士公司被2008年-09金融危机蹒跚,瑞士公司大大缩减了其投资银行,支持财富管理。


Since he arrived, Brizay, 46, has overhauled M&A coverage, reducing the focus on clients that don’t provide regular fees in favor of those with more potential. For the first quarter, UBS ranked third in European M&A, according to Dealogic, advising on 16 deals worth a collective $76 billion. Last year the firm took 13th place, working on 73 transactions with a combined value of $128 billion, versus 12th in 2014, when it advised on 77 deals worth a total of almost $150 billion.


Brizay也一直忙于倾销自己,代表美国买断公司KKR & Co.去年11月,其10亿欧元(107亿美元)收购法国呼叫中心运营商WebHelp。“这是第一个咨询授权瑞银在欧洲在欧洲工作多年,”他说。他按照3月份向中国纺织品制造商向中国纺织品制造商提供建议kkr,以达到中国纺织品制造商。在两种情况下,Brizay带来了他的经验:他是Webhelp联合创始人FrédéricJousset的朋友,他于2013年与SMCP合作,当时KKR收购了超过6.5亿欧元的公司的60%以上公司。

在1993年在他的家乡ÉcoleDshauteéétudesétudesmancialesdefarias的经济学学位,Brizay加入了法国海军,为国家服务提供了法国海军。希望展示这种服务的价值,法国政府希望将应征纳入高调的职位。在23岁时,Brizay发现自己推动了法国武装部队联合议员的主持主席的AIDE-DE-CAND作为ADE-DE-CANCE,这是一个带领他世界各地的帖子,并将他与名人联系from then–U.S. president Bill Clinton to Princess Diana.


After Brizay joined the Paris office of Banque Paribas in 1995 as an analyst, Jean-François Biard, one of France’s best-known corporate financiers and then head of a team specializing in public M&A, took the junior banker under his wing. In 1999, Brizay advised Paribas on its attempted $17.2 billion merger with Société Générale and its subsequent defense against Banque Nationale de Paris’s hostile $37 billion bid for both firms, a move that led to the creation of BNP Paribas.

Brizay left Banque Paribas that year to join J.P. Morgan, which at the time was not one of Europe’s leading M&A houses. “It was not a tier-1 bank in Europe, but over the next few years I was part of a team that built up the franchise,” he says. Brizay is pragmatic: “It’s impossible to have everyone as a client, so you have to choose and focus on those where you can make a difference.” Thanks to this approach, he became a trusted adviser to such blue-chip French names as drinks maker Pernod Ricard, beauty care company L’Oréal and engineering firm Schneider Electric.

作为助理开始J.P. Morgan在母公司的2000年合并巡回银行合并后,他晋升为副总统。在2005年,他建议了Pernod Ricard£7.4亿英镑(142亿美元)联合收购U.K.上市的盟友Domecq与Deerfield,伊利诺伊州的财富品牌. “Severin is able to manage supercomplex deal processes and also has a good understanding of the emotional components involved,” says Emmanuel Babeau, then CFO of Pernod Ricard and now Schneider’s deputy CEO in charge of finance and legal affairs. “He is prepared to advise a management team not to pursue a transaction, and that builds trust and proves he is a top banker.”

Brizay可能会寻求与客户持久联系,但他也急于执行他的计划。很多都将取决于欧洲的并购市场的表现。“欧洲在2015年第一次是世界上最不活跃的地区,我相信将改变,”布里格耶说。For his bank, the most interesting theme is that cross-regional plays now account for the lion’s share of European deals, he adds: “We are positioning ourselves to make the most of this, by leveraging UBS’s unique platform in China, for example.”