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Daishin Securities, UBS Are Home to Asia’s Best Stock Pickers

London’s TIM Group says these research salespeople excel at alpha capture in Asia ex-Japan.

The Asia ex-Japan region may be the engine of global growth these days, but that doesn’t mean all stocks will benefit equally from rising investor interest. In fact, research directors at the most highly ranked firms on亚博赞助欧冠’s2016 All-Asia Research Team说选择性变得越来越重要。


“The growth of ideas as a content set in Asia is remarkable,” reports William Herkelrath, New York–based head of business development. “Total stock coverage has doubled in under four years as the buy side has become increasingly interested in moving money into markets like China. Asia now represents approximately a third of the TIM global ideas universe.”

That universe also includes Australia and New Zealand,Europe,JapanandNorth America.Contributors are evaluated on the basis of idea performance, volume and consistency, among other factors.

With regard to the Asia ranking, “we use local country benchmarks, where available, and default to MSCI Asia ex-Japan where not,” explains Robert Schuessler, director of analytics. “Benchmarking allows us to compare contributor performance across a diverse region without overweighting high or low performance on a specific exchange.”

瑞银(UBS)不仅是蒂姆集团顶级投行穿孔ormer in Asia, it’s also the only firm to finish in the regional top three every year since this ranking was introduced, in 2013. Eligible members of its team produced 685 trade ideas, with an average outperformance of 3.79 percentage points, last year. Bank of America Merrill Lynch claims second place, with nearly 1,200 suggestions that beat the benchmark by 3.65 points, on average. Goldman Sachs (Asia) ranks third; its 256 recommendations likewise generated returns that outpaced the market by 3.65 points.

Among smaller firms, South Korea’s Daishin Securities is No. 1 despite having only one eligible participant, Ester Kang — a remarkable salesperson who came up with nearly 170 suggestions that bested the market by an incredible 20.95 points.


•Daishin Securities, South Korea (20.95 percent)

•CIMB Securities, Malaysia (7.99 percent)




•Nomura (4.07 percent)


•CLSA (3.93 percent)


•BGC&Mint Partners(3.76%)

美国银行-美林宣称阿四f the ten top-performing individuals among Asia’s biggest brokerages:

乔恩康纳,Bank of America Merrill Lynch (9.50 percent)*

科林·西姆,UBS (6.20 percent)*

Raymond Chan,UBS (10.26 percent)

曾玛丽安,Morgan Stanley (5.21 percent)*

Kevin Lai,Bank of America Merrill Lynch (7.40 percent)

Anthony Iser,瑞银(5.51%)*

叶珍妮特,Morgan Stanley (6.32 percent)

约瑟夫米尔普里,Bank of America Merrill Lynch (5.21 percent)*

Oliver Tetlow,Bank of America Merrill Lynch (5.96 percent)



Ester Kang,Daishin Securities (20.95 percent)


王兰琪,Nomura (10.55 percent)*

Daniel Raats麦格理资本证券(8.96%)*

Nicholas Lu,中国国际金融公司(8.94%)*


Hari Srinivasan,Batlivala & Karani Securities (14.03 percent)

蒂姆·弗兰克斯,HSBC (6.42 percent)*


维涅什·苏雷什,IndiaNivesh Securities (13.81 percent)


韩国央行4月底发布报告称,韩国第一季度实际国内生产总值(gdp)增幅仅为0.4%,低于2015年最后三个月的0.7%。大信证券(Daishin Securities)的康思德(Ester Kang)认为,经济低迷只是暂时的。

“The whole paradigm of South Korea’s leading industry is changing,” she observes. “I think another interesting market will be back with different leading sectors.”


她称赞大信的研究部门激发了她的最佳想法,但同时也指出,“监控新闻更新在决策中起着重要作用。”例如,5月中旬有消息称,韩国最大的私募股权基金之一IMM Private Equity,她计划向在线市场运营商SK Planet投资5000亿韩元(约合4.28亿美元),决定仔细研究母公司SK Telecom及其拟议收购CJ HelloVision,后者是美国领先的互联网电视内容提供商。

Kang has taken a circuitous route to equity research sales. She earned a degree in clothing and textiles at Seoul’s Yonsei University, then worked for 11 years in the investor relations department of Korean Air Lines Co. before joining Daishin in 2012. “I guess we never know what life holds out there for us,” she says of her varied career. “I was supposed to become a fashion designer!”

金钟民,who celebrates his third appearance in four years as one of TIM Group’s top performers in the region, followed a more traditional path to his current position. “I joined CLSA in 2004 initially as a research assistant after a three-month internship at HSBC,” says Kim, who earned a bachelor’s degree in economics at the U.K.’s University of Bristol.

“When I was first moved onto the sales desk, the person who hired me left for a bigger role within the firm shortly thereafter,” he recalls. “I was clueless as to what I was supposed to be doing, but my mentor had simple words of advice: ‘Learn from your clients not from other brokers.’ So I just called my clients all day. I must have been very irritating and useless in the beginning, but then a few used me as the young, locally based assistant to gather data by visiting companies, and visiting all these companies enabled me to form an independent view to complement that of the research analysts.”

Frequent meetings with management teams and animated discussions with analysts and investors remain Kim’s greatest sources of inspiration, he adds.

As for independent views, the Seoul-based head of country sales for South Korea was largely on his own in late 2014 when he began urging clients to buy shares of Kolon Corp., a holding company whose chemicals subsidiary had lost a very high-profile intellectual property lawsuit brought by U.S.-based E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.

“Everybody hated that group,” Kim recalls. “Its largest operating affiliate, Kolon Industries, had been ordered to pay $920 million toDuPonton infringement accusations, and two thirds of its market cap was lost.”



Kolon Corp.’s stock advanced 261.5 percent last year, while shares of Kolon Industries gained 29.9 percent. During the same period, South Korea’s benchmark Kospi Index inched up 2.4 percent.


In mid-May 2015 he told clients to short Leaders Cosmetics Co. (then known as Sansung Life & Science Co.). “The stock had risen sixfold since the beginning of the year, but it’s a one-product wonder, and too many people were suggesting ambitious mathematics on how its face masks were going to sell in China,” Kim reports. “My Chinese colleagues were telling me how its products were increasingly losing shelf space — market euphoria was typical of what you see quite frequently in Korea on all things China consumer–related, and thus the decision to short it. The stock eventually ended the year where it began.”

These days he is recommending other ostracized stocks such as Hanjin Transportation Co., which is “overly depressed and heavily discounted due to problems within Hanjin Shipping Co. that are more perceived than real — it owns a significant amount of property and terminal assets that have not been marked to market, and its core logistics business has always shown great volume growth.”



Follow Thomas W. Johnson on Twitter at@tjohnson_nyc.

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