




为什么这是历史记录历史上最不信任的牛市?因为没有人认为这是真实的。每个人都认为它是越来越多的货币政策行动的副产品,而不是基本的经济增长和生产力的结果 - 以及美联储的喂养,美联储可以消除。



在熊市主要后悔- you must avoid at all costs — is ruin, and that provokes a very direct, physical reaction. You can’t sleep. And that’s why derisking rule No. 1 in a bear market is so simple: Sell until you can sleep at night. Go to现金

In a bull market your primary regret is looking or feeling stupid, and that provokes a very conflicted, very psychological reaction. You want to derisk because you don’t understand this market and you’re scared of what will happen when the policy ground shifts. But you’re equally scared of being tagged a panicker and missing the greatest bull market of this or any other generation. And so you do nothing. You avoid making a decision, which means you also avoid the consultant-client conversation. Ultimately, everyone — adviser and investor alike — looks to blame someone else for his own feelings of unease. No one’s happy, even as the good times roll.


事实上,我们的旧朋友多样化是答案,但在其传统演示中作为固化 - 所有溴化物。多样化肯定会通过减少波动率来嘲笑投资组合,它非常适合牛市,因为它可以减少波动而不降低市场曝光。问题在于,多样化可能需要很长时间才能证明自己,并且正在寻求驾驶的直接投资组合影响的投资者很少可接受,无论是熊市还是牛市品种。


First, your portfolio should include allocations to strategies that can go short. If you’re derisking a bull market, you need to make money when you’re right, not just lose less money. Losing less money pays off over the long haul, but the path can be bumpy.

Second, your portfolio should include allocations to trend-following strategies, which keep you in assets that are working and get you out of those that aren’t. The market is always right, and that’s never been more true — or more difficult to remember — than now, in the golden age of the central banker.

