
Elena Manola-Bonthond根据低利率调整Cern的模型


Elena Manola-Bonthond在去年填写了填写的大鞋,当时她接管了副首席执行官和投资政策负责人,在SF4亿(42亿美元)的养老基金c,基于日内瓦的欧洲核研究组织。前首席执行官和CIOThéodoreMemoleg曾在前五年内为基于风险的投资提供了基金。

Manola-Bonthond在2011年加入该基金之前,在加入该基金之前,在Cern's Land Hadron Constrider中监督了安全管理,他的科学背景为这项任务准备了她。“作为物理学家,您接受过读取数据的培训,以了解什么是重要的,并且不是,”克罗地亚的45岁古老的本土说。它占据了核心的物理学家数十年来寻找希格斯·博世,所谓的神粒子,这是宇宙中所有物质的基本构建块之一。相比之下,她说:“关于金融的好处是你立即看到了你的行为的影响。”

Prompted by a drop in returns last year to 3.31 percent from 7.76 percent in 2013, Manola-Bonthond is trimming CERN’s hedge fund allocation, to less than 10 percent from 16 percent, and culling the number of hedge fund mandates by more than half, to five or six. “The return we were getting out of the portfolio was relatively low — around 4 to 5 percent — compared with the fees we were paying,” she explains. For the remaining exposure Manola-Bonthond and her team have set a higher return target of 8 to 12 percent, compared with the old target of 3 percent net of fees. In essence, she believes fewer but higher-conviction bets will help CERN boost returns. She’s also looking to diversify the fund’s 20 percent real estate allocation, now based mostly in France and Switzerland, across Europe.


此个人资料是为我们的12个写作之一2015年欧洲投资管理奖,这尊重业务中的一些最佳投资者。另见终身成就奖赢家档案Henrik Gade Jepsen.,CentricaChetan Ghosh.,兰开夏郡养老基金的迈克尔·詹森,ABN AMRO的Geraldine Leegwater.,varmareimarytsölä.和ap4Magnus eriksson.。明天回来查看林德的Christoph Schlegel和Inarcassa的Alfredo Granata。

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