


亚洲开发银行首席经济学家尚金伟并不害羞,以至于已知他不同意前美国财政部长劳伦斯夏季。“我们不订阅Larry Summers提出的世俗停滞假设 - 即世界增长将停滞不前,长时间留在那里,”魏告诉亚博赞助欧冠。“我们没有看到该地区增长率的世俗衰退。”


Among other developments, Wei is keeping an eye on the imminent launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which plans to follow the ADB’s lead by financing highways, ports and other infrastructure throughout Asia. He recently spoke with Asia Bureau Chief Allen T. Cheng about the region’s prospects.




While we see a gradual moderation of the growth rate in China, we don’t see it falling off a cliff. The中国经济is already bigger than that of the U.S. in purchasing power parity terms. It is on track to surpass the U.S. at the market exchange rate within a decade. Of course, China is still a much poorer country, which means it still has room to maintain a relatively robust growth rate.

我们的其他两个大型成员国,印度和印度尼西亚,已经开始了一些改革,这将有助于他们的私营部门更快地扩大。因此,我们的第2和第3号发展中经济体将比最近的过去更好。较低的燃料价格will also be good for our members.

Which countries are you most optimistic about in the short to medium term?

In the next few years, several of our subregions stand out. We mentionedIndia使其投资环境更加灵活地更加灵活。他们还没有那里,但他们正在取得进步,大多数投资者似乎都有这种感觉。


印尼面临很多challenges historically, but you now have a very reform-minded president who understands the importance of investing in infrastructure and improving the investment climate. Joko Widodo has implemented a fuel subsidy reform that takes advantage of lower fuel prices. He is also starting very ambitious infrastructure projects around the country and not just focusing on the central Java area. The president wants to build up many more ports so different islands can be better linked and help Indonesia integrate into Asia’s production value chains.


In the medium term, this is a very hopeful region. People work hard; they value education and hard work and are willing to take risk and to invest. All they need in addition are governments that can provide stable politics and stable economic policies and have reasonable control of expropriation risks and corruption. As long as these conditions are in place, this region can do well.

该地区许多国家已经在中等收入范围内。教育的重要性,鼓励创新和促进知识产权的重要性随收入而上升。这些国家认识到这一点,正在谈论越来越多的人力资本投资,改善教育体系,因此劳动力可以更多的市场和未来导向。这ADB.is doing its part to assist countries in this endeavor, including with projects in technical and vocational education.

In the next five years, the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are phasing out tariffs to create a $2.4 trillion free-trade zone. Will they succeed?




Many other regions don’t do that. When lower tariffs came into effect among NAFTA members, Mexico raised tariffs on imports from other nations. The U.S. increased antidumping cases on imports from non-NAFTA countries; some of these usages are recognized by economists as protectionism in disguise.



马来西亚believes certain types of capital controls can be beneficial in managing a crisis. That was not the view of the IMF and the世界银行at the time of the Asian financial crisis, but they have since revised that view. In that way, Malaysia is right. We are finding that certain forms of capital controls that moderate toward welcoming foreign direct investment and not hot money tend to provide stability.

Other emerging markets that do not have macro prudential policies that regulate cross-border capital flows tend to not be as resilient to foreign monetary or financial shocks and can be affected more negatively during a crisis.

马来西亚has reached high middle-income status. It is aiming to transform itself into a high-income country like Singapore or Australia. A vibrant developed country should have more than just a high per capita income. To be such a society, it needs to accelerate education, legal, governance and capital market reforms. Malaysia is making progress but can do much more. It is facing a bit of brain drain, with much talent migrating to Australia, Singapore and elsewhere. This slows down the pace at which it could become a developed country. Malaysia can make better use of existing human capital by training and retaining talent and by offering equal and maximum opportunities to all people, regardless of their background, so they don’t leave.

中国is leading the launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Does the region need another multilateral lender?

这re is a very big financing need for more and better infrastructure in Asia. The ADB estimates that the region requires about $750 billion in infrastructure investment annually in the next few years. Relative to the need, additional funding can be helpful.
