
Earth Day Pay Day: Bankers Work to Make Nature Finance Itself





“这个活动的口头禅是”可扩展性,可重复性,投资性“,”金融机构的可持续发展事务负责人约翰·托宾说。在会议上发言是来自高盛组织的高级管理人员,JPMORGAN CHASE&CO.和大环境组织如自然保护

Participants at the conference voiced a common theme: Clients want cookie-cutter deals worth billions of dollars in木材,农业和亚慱体育app怎么下载以及多亿美元基础设施债券提供。

“We get meaningful inquiries right now about ‘Where can we allocate more capital?’” said Kyung-Ah Park, head of the environmental markets group at Goldman Sachs. Camilla Seth, executive director of JPMorgan’s social and sustainable finance group, agreed, noting that the financial institution has “a growing set of clients who are asking for product in this area.”


Some offerings have already gone mainstream. Green bond issues tripled to $36.6 billion from a year earlier. Originally pioneered by the World Bank and other development finance institutions, more and more municipalities, states and corporations are getting into their own bond offerings. Said Park about green bonds: “This is as plain-vanilla as it gets right now.”

其他投资者的新兴收入流包括可持续的 - 阅读,优惠 - 价格 -食物,经过认证的木材和销售碳储存的信用和其他绿色服务,如通过河流修复冷却废水径流。


一个这样的例子是20亿美元,基于悉尼基金经理新森林的融资和发展第一个在加州市场上注册的森林碳项目。另一种是卢森堡 - 总部举行的1.05亿欧元(12200万美元),卢森堡 - 总部的气候基金会有助于帮助欧洲志愿市场的新增可持续可可的可持续可可,咖啡等产品的新生产。Althelia的筹款包括通过特殊的个人投资者包括1500万欧元Nature Conservation Notes issued by Credit Suisse是第一个可用于非易于采用投资者的产品之一。亚博赞助欧冠

除了碳,其他生态系统市场正在增长as well. A private nutrient bank, another green financial institution, helped farmers around the Chesapeake Bay reduce phosphorus runoff and sell credits to the Commonwealth of Virginia to offset the impact of a transportation project for half the price of a traditional storm water project. In Oregon the Freshwater Trust is cooling the Rogue River with shade from native trees and shrubs, paid for by credits from the city of Medford, which needed to mitigate warming caused by wastewater discharges.

“The ecosystem markets are starting to work,” says Jason Weller, chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Services, a unit of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “They’re coming to life.”



