

Why this value investor is taking his teenage son to Omaha for the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.

I have a confession to make. I want my company to someday be called Katsenelson & Kids. That doesn’t have to be its official name, but I want to work with my kids. I want my kids to be value investors. I know I am supposed to want them to be doctors or nuclear physicists. I don’t. Maybe if you go Freud on me, you’ll tell me this is my way of not wanting to let them go.

但除非他们绝对喜欢它,否则我不想把它们推进投资。我希望他们快乐。到目前为止,我的三个孩子尤其是我15个月大的,米娅萨拉 - 在我的脚步上表现出任何兴趣。

Six or eight times a year, I am invited to give a talk on value investing to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Colorado Denver or Denver University. I really enjoy these talks. They are always structured in a Q&A format (I thereby pass the burden of class preparation on to the students). As part of their homework, they have to read my articles and come to the class with questions.


不要做模特组合;做真钱。尽可能多的钱,因为你可以负担得起并开始投资。看看这是你的学费。投资中最困难的部分不是分析而是心理学。纸张组合不会引发恐惧或贪婪 - 只有真正的金钱。查理芒尔有一句谚语:“学习从书籍投资就像从浪漫小说学习性。”(当我的孩子在课堂上时,我跳过这条线。)

有很多原因为什么我做这些会谈。第一个那I’m trying to undo some of the damage that Modern Portfolio Theory dogma has done to these young minds. Second, my firm employs three or four interns from these schools, and I use these talks as a recruiting tool.


乔纳是我的直接希望。我的妻子是一个典型的犹太母亲,说他可以成为投资者或其他任何东西 - 完成医学院后。(她没有分享我的梦想。)乔纳已经表现出对投资或成为医生的兴趣很小,但他喜欢让人们笑,所以也许他会成为一个喜剧演员。

In my latest attempt to gently nudge Jonah’s direction in life, I am taking him to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting this Saturday, May 2. I don’t know if he’ll be able to sit through six hours of the Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger Show or if he’ll just spend most of his time browsing the showroom at the convention center and eating DQ Dilly Bars (DQ, of course, being part of the Berkshire Hathaway stable). But in the worst case, he’ll have a memory of this trip. And memories are important.

这是2001年的冬天。我了解到Luciano Pavarotti将在丹佛提供音乐会。但到我发现的时候,只剩下昂贵的​​门票。我的妻子怀孕了约拿 - 我们是一个全新的家庭。这两两张票可以买到我们拯救的漂亮电视。我正试图弄清楚如何让我的妻子在两小时的经历中花费大量资金。我们都是Frank Sinatra的大粉丝,我们正在观看关于他的传记。我说,如果你和我可以看到弗兰克辛拉的生活,它不会令人难以置信;这将是一个终身体验中的一个。然后我说,我们不能去弗兰克的音乐会,但Pavarotti即将到来,我们有机会见到他。她仍然受到SINATRA电影的影响,她同意了。 Today neither of us regrets that decision. The TV is just a thing, but we got to see Luciano Pavarotti, the one and only, live!

