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Weekend Giant Reading: February 6 – 8, 2015

Here it is: your weekend reading.

Here it is: your weekend reading:

- The End is Nigh:Australia’s Future Fund isbuildingup its cash reserves in advance of “volatility.”

- Cue The Ice Water:KKR pretended its fee refund to LPs was their generous idea ... until the SEC told its LPs it wasn’t.Splash!

- Divestment:Norway’s SWFremoved32 coal mining companies from its portfolio in 2014 due to ethical concerns.

- Dealflow:Singapore’s GIC just made a$800 millionbet on a TV ratings and consumer analytics company ... founded in 1923.

勇气:Temasek, a sovereign wealth fund, is now勒adinggrowth venture rounds in Indian technology companies.

- The Fee Machine:Much,muchmore ofthis, please.

- Fines:S&P owes public pension fundshundredsof millions of dollars for not coming even close to doing its job.

- Collaboration:Italy is hosting the nextIFSWF annual meetingin Milan. And, I know what you’re thinking, Italy does in fact have a sovereign wealth fund ... of sorts.

- AuM:China has three major sovereign funds ... thesmallestof which now has $240 billion in AUM.

- Infrastructure:Canada Pension Plan took a25 percentstake in an Australian toll-road project.

- Selfie:If you’re going to do private equity,here’s how you should think about doing it.

Have a great weekend!

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