




Chart 1: ECB's Forecasts Increasingly Wide of the Mark


The globalization of output, trade, technology and financial flows has made economic growth and inflation for individual countries increasingly a function of global trends. As a result, traditional domestic economic relationships, such as the Phillips curve trade-off between inflation and employment, have become less important or less reliable. Some countries, such as the U.K., now have ostensibly tight labor markets that under typical conditions would lead to a call for the abandonment of zero interest rates, and yet there is unusually weak wage and salary formation that would make such a move highly contentious.

此外,在许多发达国家和一些人中,债务突出(见图2)emerging countriesis dead weight on growth and inflation. In many major emerging markets, the slower economic expansion has been primarily noncyclical. Price pressures are wilting under the impact of cumulative demographic trends in many large economies, especially in Europe and Asia. The老龄化人群的影响到目前为止,符合较慢的潜在增长和较低的家庭储蓄率的理论预测,但在实践中,后者被公司和政府拯救的强烈愿望所抵消。


资料来源:GDP - 国际货币基金组织,世界银行,麦迪逊项目;政府债务 - Abbas等人(2011,IMF),Reinhart&Rogoff;私营部门债务 - 通过Haver和CeiC,Bis Quarterly系列,Schularick&Taylor国家当局;外部EM债务 - WB / BIS / IMF联合债务中心;中国 - PBOC,渣打银行

China’s role in global deflation is also of increasing significance as past turbocharged growth gives rise to a hangover of heavily subsidized excess industrial capacity and debt. The deflationary consequences of economic change in China are already evident in an许多原材料供过于求在国内和国外市场销售价格的向下压力(见图3)。





此命令将日益重要的the next economic downturn draws nearer. Some people already anticipate even more aggressive quantitative easing, including what is known as helicopter money. When economist Milton Friedman coined the phrase “helicopter drop” in 1969, he did so in the context of a world in which the private fractional reserve banking system played a much smaller role in driving money creation than it did subsequently. Today we have returned to conditions closer to those that prevailed when Friedman was writing, largely because of the constraints over the supply of and demand for bank credit because of the debt overhang and macroprudential deleveraging. In the next recession — likely within five years — a true helicopter drop may require formal and direct coordination between the monetary and fiscal authorities to ensure that newly created base money makes its way into the economy and the nominal value of income. That will mark the end of central bank independence as we know it.

Mike Hugman是新兴市场固定收入团队的战略家Investec资产管理在伦敦。George Magnus是一名基于伦敦的独立经济学家。


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