
2015全欧洲研究团队:石油服务,第1名:christstyan Malek &团队

自2010年以来,野村国际(Nomura International)首次在这一榜单上排名第一。




    自2010年以来,野村国际(Nomura International)首次在这一榜单上排名第一Christyan马列34岁。这位前BP实习生拥有英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)的化学工程学士学位,在2011年10月加入野村之前曾为德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)报道过欧洲石油服务公司的名称。两年后,他带领他的新公司获得亚军,并在2014年获得亚军。马雷克和他的工作人员报告了18家欧洲石油服务公司的名称,投资者欣赏他们在避开一些表现不佳的公司时表现出的谨慎。例如,2013年9月,研究人员将Subsea 7的评级从“购买”下调为“减少”。他们说,由于客户减少资本支出,这家总部位于英国的公司盈利疲软。该公司为海上石油行业提供设备。截至上月底,该公司在挪威上市的股票已暴跌47.5%,至65.90挪威克朗。同一时期,该板块暴跌53.3%,但欧洲大盘上涨13.9%。分析师们也一直看跌油价走势。今年4月,在原油均价约为每桶105美元的情况下,马雷克在结束中东之行返回时确信,油价将跌破每桶80美元。 Although the price continued to rise over the next two months, he stood firm, and in October he was proved right. Crude oil has not since recovered, averaging less than $61 per barrel in December. “It was a bold call, and he was right,” marvels one fund manager. Then in May 2014 the team lowered U.K.-based Petrofac from buy to reduce, at 1,370.08p, citing disappointing execution at its North Sea oil field and other locations. In November the energy services provider’s management issued a warning that 2015 profits could decline by 25 percent, and the shares plunged. At the end of last month, they had lost nearly half their value since the Nomura downgrade, closing at 706p.